Dillon's Rolling Western: The Last Ranger

Published by Nintendo, Developed by Vanpool

Genres: Action (1 players)

US release date: Apr 11th, 2013 | EU release date: Jun 27th, 2013

Prices: $10.99 (US) | £6.29 (UK) | €6.99 (EUR)

Dillon's Rolling Western: The Last Ranger

Dillon is an armadillo with one thing on his scaly, cowboy hat-covered mind: to protect the townsfolk from an onslaught of approaching enemies.

In this downloadable sequel to last year's well-received Dillon's Rolling Western for Nintendo 3DS, Dillon is tasked with hiring rangers, gathering supplies and equipping gun towers in an effort to ward off the trouble moseying into town.

This real-time strategy game follows players as they control a rolling and rollicking Dillon through classic tower-defense game play. In addition to defending frontier towns and livestock, Dillon must also protect moving trains containing vital supplies. And with the rip roarin' power of the StreetPass feature on Nintendo 3DS, players can compare maps with other players to improve their strategy.

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