Gummy Bears Magical Medallion

Published by Enjoy Gaming, Developed by -

Genres: Action / Adventure (1 players)

US release date: May 2nd, 2013 | EU release date: Oct 24th, 2013

Prices: $5.99 (US) | £3.30 (UK) | €3.67 (EUR)

Gummy Bears Magical Medallion

The hidden Kingdom of the Gummy Bears is a tantalizing colorful world overflowing with mouth-watering sweets!

For years King Sour Berry searched for a magical artifact called the Gummy Bear Medallion, which kept the Gummy Bears hidden from him. The king finally found it and removed the three mystical gems making the Gummy Bears visible. The king's Crazy Candy Army chased and captured them setting traps for those that avoided capture.

The kingdom is now under the rule of King Sour berry. You are the Gummy Bears only hope to save them from a life of unhappiness. You must accept the quest to find the gems and return them to the Gummy Bears Medallion. Only then can the magic of the medallion hide the Gummy Bears once more from the evil King Sour Berry and his Crazy Candy Army.

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Gummy Bears Magical Medallion is a bright and colorful platforming adventure that is sure to appeal to a younger audience. Heavily influenced by traditional side scrolling games of yesteryear, the game serves as a basic introduction to the platforming mechanics that full review

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