Let's Golf! 3D

Published by Gameloft, Developed by -

Genres: Sports (2 players)

US release date: Jul 28th, 2011 | EU release date: Jul 28th, 2011

Prices: $6.99 (US) | £5.40 (UK) | €6.00 (EUR)

Let's Golf! 3D

Pick from 8 unique characters, each with their own special powers and play on 108 holes in 6 far-out 3D locations like the Mayan jungle.

Thanks to the 3D Screen, you'll see the distance to the green and your ball trajectory like never before. Unlock new gear like hats and clubs to customise your character and unlock new powers as you gain experience like rewinding time.

You can even grab a friend for exciting multiplayer matches on the same Nintendo 3DS system to share the fun!

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