Alien on the Run

Published by G-STYLE, Developed by G-STYLE

Genres: Action (1 players)

US release date: May 22nd, 2014 | EU release date: -

Prices: $3.99 (US)

Alien on the Run review

He almost got away too!

Zach Meeks wrote this game review.

Review written by
Zach Meeks

June 26th, 2014

Alien on the Run is a fun, little game that has you take control of an alien named Delude, who has been captured from his home planet and is being held on a UFO. Delude is trying to escape from the UFO by running through the various floors filled with traps and tractor beams. While the idea is very simple, the level design creates a very enjoyable game from the 3DS eShop.

The game consists of fourteen zones on five floors, each with a specific theme. The themes range from electrified floor panels to giant robotic hands that throw you across the level and from icy floors to starting with only five or fewer seconds. Time becomes a very important factor later in the game, as the entire time that you are trying to navigate the level, a clock is ticking down and when it reaches zero, you lose. The fifth floor of each zone gives a nice change of pace as instead of trying to reach the end of a level, Delude attempts to collect Chili Sauce (more about this later on).

Alien on the Run screenshotThe most interesting aspect of the game is that the prevalent enemy, the tractor beams, are also your most valuable resource. Certain types of tractor beams can be destroyed by using one of Delude's many "Fever Actions." When these beams are destroyed, time is added onto your clock, giving you more time to complete the level. This technique of using your enemy to increase your time made the game feel like a balancing act between risk and reward.

Alien on the Run's controls are very simplistic, using only the Analog Stick and B button, which is used for the "Fever Actions," fight punching bags, or getting slung the farthest distance with the mechanical hands.

Neither the graphics nor the sound are particularly impressive. The sound sometimes makes it seem like you are playing in front of a studio audience, but it definitely adds some depth to the game. The backgrounds used in the game are largely repetitive, but with all of the action occurring on the bottom floor it does not detract from the overall experience. The animations are funny, but the main cut-scene that occurs after you collect all of the chili sauces at the end of each zone is always the same. There are also no 3D effects.

Alien on the Run screenshotThe main replayability of the game is the grading system. Depending on how much time you have left after finishing the level, you are rated on an A-D scale. The last two zones can only be unlocked by achieving adequate scores on all of the levels. As you beat each zone, you will unlock new colors of Delude, which do not actually change gameplay, but are a nice cosmetic touch.

Overall, Alien on the Run is a great game for fans of puzzles and running games alike. The quick paced action creates an experience that though repetitive, never gets old. For its low price on the eShop, it's definitely worth picking up and giving a try.


Gameplay: Gameplay score: 9

Graphics: Graphics score: 6

Sound: Sound score: 5

Lifespan: Lifespan score: 7

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