Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion

Published by Disney, Developed by DreamRift

Genres: Platformer

US release date: Nov 18th, 2012 | EU release date: Nov 23rd, 2012

Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion

The game offers a special drawing and painting function that allows players to create rough versions of objects that magically transform into classic Disney-style 2D illustrations. Utilising the game's unparalleled dual screen integration, players then move their creations to the top screen where they are further transformed into full-color, fully-rendered 3D visuals.

Paying tribute to the classic Sega Genesis title "Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse," "Disney Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion" focuses on the fabled Castle of Illusion, which has fallen into Wasteland, an alternate world filled with 80 years of forgotten Disney characters and theme park attractions ? and now forgotten video games.

The evil witch Mizrabel, villainess from the classic "Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse," finds herself an unwilling inhabitant of Wasteland, and unleashes a plot to escape using the Castle of Illusion to imprison and drain the cartoon essence from currently famous Toons. Players will take on the role of Mickey Mouse as he utilises his magical brush to wield paint and thinner to confront Mizrabel and save the Toons.

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