Mecho Wars new screenshots

Mecho Wars new screenshots

Dive, Heavy Fire and Aero the Acrobat

Dive, Heavy Fire and Aero the Acrobat

Three games have been released across North America today, two of them being WiiWare titles and one on Virtual Console. Dive: The Medes Islands Secret (WiiWare) Heavy Fire: Special Operations (WiiWare) Aero the Acro-bat (SNES) Aero the acrobat! How cool. I had that game back in the day.... read more

Epic Mickey new screenshots

Epic Mickey new screenshots

GoldenEye 007 new screenshots

GoldenEye 007 new screenshots

New "Capcom Vs ___" rumors


Rumors around new beat em up games at Comic Con.... read more

Furry Legends review

Furry Legends review

Furry Legends, from Polish developers Gamelion would seem at first glance like a bland cookie-cutter 2D platformer intended only for kids. However, take the time to explore and play the game and you'll discover a surprisingly difficult and clever title.... read more

Jett Rocket review

Jett Rocket review

Jett Rocket is a game that while on one hand could have been a great retail game, would also likely have died in the retail sphere. Available on WiiWare for 1000 Wii points, Jett Rocket can be fun but players may find this difficult to believe due to the game's flaws.... read more

Galaxy 2 sells a mil in the US

Galaxy 2 sells a mil in the US

According a press release issued by Nintendo this morning, sales of Super Mario Galaxy 2 have crossed the 1 million mark in North America. Also in June, Nintendo systems sold a combined 933,000 units, accounting for 50 percent of all gaming hardware units sold in the US. The Nintendo DS family systems topped the charts with more than 510,000 handhelds sold, bringing life-to-date unit sales to nearly 42... read more

Heavy Fire: Special Operations new screenshots

Heavy Fire: Special Operations new screenshots

The Kore Gang new screenshots

The Kore Gang new screenshots

Suda 51 and other devs on 3DS

Suda 51 and other devs on 3DS

Nintendo are really creating a buzz on the handheld front, with both regular gamers and industry people getting excited over the 3DS. Here are some quotes that are being bandied around over the Internets: "It really makes me feel the speed at which the history of video games is unfolding - like, 'We've really made it this far, huh?' You have a living, breathing world you can touch right in your hands. I think... read more

Michael Jackson Experience game

Michael Jackson Experience game

Last year there was talk about a Michael Jackson game being in the works, then he went and died, leaving things up in the air. Well it turns out the game is still happening, Ubisoft are set to publish Michael Jackson: The Experience on Nintendo Wii and DS. In both versions gamers will play as the king of pop, bustin' moves like there's no tomorrow. The Wii game will feature dance routines with prompts, similar to... read more

Sonic hat for preorders

Sonic hat for preorders

If you're a fan of the blue blur and tempted get Sonic Colors, you might be interested to know that Gamestop are sweetening the deal on preorders with this free hat: The hat comes complete with a strap to hold it securely in place, and no hedgehogs were harmed to make the product. Sonic Colors' release date is still an unknown at this stage. Get a Sonic hat... read more

Super Mario Galaxy 2 review

Super Mario Galaxy 2 review

For the first time in several console generations, two 'main' Mario games have appeared on the system. With Super Mario Galaxy 2 coming out relatively quickly for a Mario title, some have expressed concern that the game's quality would be lower than that of the original Galaxy. Thankfully, that isn't the case and Super Mario Galaxy 2 is better than the original in nearly every way.... read more

Target Toss Pro: Lawn Darts new screenshots

Target Toss Pro: Lawn Darts new screenshots

Mario's Ladder video

Mario's Ladder video

It looks like this is a few months old by now, but I only just saw it and think it's worth sharing. Here's an incredible video called "Mario's Ladder" by Cory Godbey. ... read more

Shigsy wants Pikmin 3 fast

Shigsy wants Pikmin 3 fast

Nintendo held a Q&A session at a shareholders meeting recently, one of the key players there was the granddaddy of games, Shigeru Miyamoto himself. Shigsy expressed that he was keen to get Pikmin 3 released as soon as possible. The franchise was created 10 years ago, born from his love of gardening. Another, slightly more zany topic of a Nintendo Theme Park was also discussed. Unfortunately the idea was shot... read more

Tournament of Legends new screenshots

Tournament of Legends new screenshots

Miffy's World new screenshots

Miffy's World new screenshots

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice For All new screenshots

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice For All new screenshots

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