Suda 51 and other devs on 3DS

Suda 51 and other devs on 3DS

Nintendo are really creating a buzz on the handheld front, with both regular gamers and industry people getting excited over the 3DS. Here are some quotes that are being bandied around over the Internets:

"It really makes me feel the speed at which the history of video games is unfolding - like, 'We've really made it this far, huh?' You have a living, breathing world you can touch right in your hands. I think we've finally gone from an era of constructing virtual worlds from pixels to one where the world is truly, honestly there. If I had to sum up the sort of game I'd like to make, I would simply call it 'the next game,' because the 3DS marks the arrival of the 'next platform.'"
Suda 51 (No More Heroes, Killer 7)

"I'm being struck with the intense desire to make something on it. It's the same sort of excitement I had when I first saw the Wii and DS in Nintendo's office, but now it's at a whole new level. This may the first time in the industry where the terms 'next generation' and 'personal dream' were so appropriate. I'd gladly throw away everything else for a shot at touching the 3DS."
Atsushi Inaba (Bayonetta, MadWorld)

"Video games need three things to be successful: a concept, a technology platform, and good marketing. The Nintendo 3DS is a perfect example of those three things bundled into one."
Keiji Inafune (Mega Man, Dead Rising)

"3D on a large screen has an impact on you and gets you that much closer to the game or movie you're watching, but 3D on the 3DS's smaller screen is interesting in its own right. Instead of feeling like you're 'really there,' you feel like it's 'really in the palm of your hand,' so to speak. Having these dynamic home 3D titles is great and all, but personally, I want to take a different approach and make games that take advantage of what a 3D portable has to offer."
Hideki Kamiya (Okami, Bayonetta)

"Our own Resident Evil was shown on the show floor and was well received, but when I saw Metal Gear, I felt the new potential of the 3DS. I'd like to make something."
Hiroyuki Kobayashi (Resident Evil 5, Devil May Cry)

"I wear glasses, so I'm happy that 3D glasses are not needed. I directed the E3 demo. It was based off Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater, but the backgrounds and character modeling were all redone in high polygon. It's not finalized, but we're thinking about CO-OPs and other things - elements fitting of a 3D and portable game machine."
Hideo Kojima (Metal Gear, Metal Gear Solid)

"Nintendo has been re-examining the concept of game consoles as 'toys' ever since the Wii, and I think the 3DS is the final result of those efforts. If you believe that gamers will demand more social features and immersiveness in their portable single-player or multiplayer experiences, then Nintendo certainly has that covered with the 3DS's Wi-Fi and 3D features. There's a lot of ideas I'd like to work with."
Toshihiro Nagoshi (Super Monkey Ball, Yakuza)

"We'd like to put in some ideas that make effective use of the portability."
Yoshinori Ono (Street Fighter IV)

"As a creator, I feel that a new challenge has started...I'd like to show a mystery in a 3D space."
Shu Takami (Phoenix Wright, Ghost Trick)

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Rob Jones

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wiiboy101 said:

What I love about 3DS is it's all things in 1 system. It's a ps3 it's a DSi it's a Wii it's a 3D system, it offers genuine DS to ps3 like abilities in your hands and fully offers motion controls too anything seen on Wii DS psp ps3 etc can be done on this system and in 3D without glasses! It's a genuine console in your hands, you can own a 3DS and Wii probably for less money than a ps3 and a move kit, think about that. Nintendo is going to kick all ass.


musicfan said:

This thing is going to be able to go toe to toe with the PS3 and Xbox 360.


Darunia said:

According to other sources, without the use of the 3DS effects, a 2D game on the 3DS could use the extra processing power to become even more powerful, maybe even toe to toe with the PS3 and RRoD 360.


Matt said:

3DS is a home console in your hand as well as a 3D movie theater, it's awesome and seems it can emulate ps3/wii/360 graphics but in full 3D WoW. Maybe we don't need ps3/360 anymore as COD on 3DS will be biggest handheld online game they could do 32 players online on 3DS as it's not as restricted as Home Consoles 4 MP. Wow between 3DS/Wii and in 2012 Wii2 it's going to be hard for ps3/360 to offer something more than what owning both Wii/3DS can offer. I mean the best versions of big games that normally help 360/ps3 sell consoles like COD/GTA/SAINTSROW will be in full 3D on 3DS maybe even Wii ports of the same games as well as I'm sure Ninty made it easy for devs to port 3DS games to Wii to help lazy devs get the best out of Wii.

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