Do you ever feel like taking on a hundred men? The Multi-Man option in Super Smash Bros. Brawl might be for you.
This mode has you taking on a seemingly endless stream of enemy fighters. These fighters are Team Alloy, they come in four flavors: red, blue, yellow and green.
I'm ready for this.
Go go Power Rangers!
Blue ranger attack!
Wait, what? Guys, we're not Power Rangers..
Team Alloy?! What the hell is that. I quit.
This time around, two players are allowed into the fray so you can team up with a friend. Online co-op over the Wi-Fi connection is available too.
Shadappa you mouth!
Oh hi, clown-shoes.
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acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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User comments
Captain Jamesman said:
Mario & Sonic join forces to defeat the Alloys.
Aeth said:
Oh, all the Power Ranger jokes we could make, so little time. Okay, I'll do one: Where is the Pink Alloy? It's suppose to be a Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, and Pink. Nintendo, FOCUS! Well now since I'm done joking, I'll put in my real review. Good to hear that they now allow Co-op and Wifi play. As for the Alloy Fighters, I like them, very cool and metallic looking. Many are already trying to figure out who their wire-frame is actually of: Red seems to be Captain Falcons, Blue seems to be Zelda, Yellow seems to be Mario, and Green seems to be Kirby. You can guess by the way they are attacking (Red), falling (Blue), or stance (Yellow & Green).
wiistorm13 said:
Much cooler than wire guys.
Wii Freak said:
These are more colorful than Melee. Only purple color.
Falcon said:
Blue, if you look at it, has a sort of ponytail of some sort. So it might be Zero Suit Samus, just by looking at the hair.
sidkid004 said:
The red guy pretty much confirms Captain Falcon will be in this game.
Wii Freak said:
There are so many online modes.
doglover said:
What's with the circles surrounding them.
divinityboy said:
Man this keeps getting better and better. 2-player and online.
bbbrrr said:
Is it just me, or do those guys look huge? I am not looking forward to doing cruel brawl against these guys.
Frogman said:
Well, it seems to me that the fighting wire frames from Melee were actually better looking than these in both graphics and style. However, by looking at the red, blue and yellow alloys one can see bodies that look strangely reminiscent to those of the wire frames. Focus on the space in the torso region below the chestplate and above the waist. Perhaps one can actually knock off the armor to reveal wire frames! Somebody probably beat me in posting this but it is still undeniably interesting that the two groups of fighters share this similarity.
ZombieKumquat said:
I always hated this but now it's WiFi so it might be fun. They boosted up the graphics which is always nice, I might go and play it now. I hope they have a hidden character and stage like last time.
insultman911 said:
I see they got creative with the robot features and the dazzling colors.
B Darius said:
Yo Jamesman, you're back. Whassup man? Haven't heard from you in a long time.
YoshLee said:
Despite the fact that the new multi man fighters look kind of dorky (I'm talking power ranger style) they're still better than the wire frames (Mario and Sonic were PWNING them all).
Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii said:
Endless brawl! CRUEL BRAWL?! I guess that means the Alloys are super-tough or something. Just another reason to get Brawl.
Wii Freak said:
You know what mode they should have, a mode where you make your own character.
EDD said:
I think the yellow one is mario or lucas.
Super King said:
Just because the girl wire frame in Melee was Zelda doesn't mean that this girl alloy thing is Zelda. It looks like Zero Suit Samus because of the ponytail.
Nintendoof said:
I love this. Alloys unite.
hbh said:
Alloy zoids! Red: hitmonchan. Blue: yoshi. Yellow: stalfos. Green: metroid.
jskrdude said:
I think red and pink merged.
YoshLee said:
Aeth I agree with you on the red one, but I think the blue one is peach because she appears to be floating. Yellow one could be mario or several other characters and the green one looks like kirby, but Nintendo did say it wasn't.
insultman911 said:
Mario+sonic=good team. Do the math.
#1 Peach Fan said:
Reminds me of the Axem Ranges from Super Mario RPG.
Rags said:
Go Go Alloy Rangers!
wiicloud9 said:
Agreed. This is nice. Wire frames were annoying, which put up a real challenge.
ToTaLgAmEr said:
I like that you can play online, that will be exciting.
Captain Jamesman said:
Hey B. Sorry about my disappearance. My computer went ka-poot and I didn't have it fixed for a while. So I used other people's computers. However, my computer is finally back up and running. Out of all of those Alloys, the Red and Yellow ones look cool.
Aeth said:
Doglover, I think it's just part of their design. Instead of giving them metal fists they gave them light orb hands and I guess the orb on the back of their feet is just decoration. Super King and YoshLee, I see your point about Blue, but until they we actually could see her "moves" we won't know who's wire frame Blue has. And as for Green not being Kirby, they just said that because Green isn't Kirby, it just uses Kirby's wire frame for a body, it doesn't have Kirby's moves or outside skin.
Carinilent said:
Looks like red and blue ones are just upgraded forms of the wireframes (seriously look at their stomachs, you can still see the stuff wireframes are made out of). If they use the red one though, that must mean C Falcon will be back! I wonder if the alloys will play a part in the subspace emissary.
MrWii said:
Red alloy reminds me of Captain Falcon.
Epsilon said:
Woo. They look pretty awesome. Much better than the wire frames. Anyways, for character base speculation, I'd agree with CF for Red (Woo!), Zelda for Blue (keep in mind the female wire frame from Melee also had a ponytail). Umm for Yellow (maybe Mario? Lucas? Ness?), and Kirby for Green (looks like an airplane turbine).
DragonFoxCoon said:
A sweet combination of the first and second games right here: the modes of Melee take on more wire-frame forms. It's easy enough to tell that the red Alloy is Captain Falcon, and Blue could be either Zelda or Zero-Suit Samus, though Zelda's more likely. Green, if you continue the animation, would be Kirby. Yellow, as Aeth said, could be Mario, but I'm sure there are others that fit the bill here, horns excluded.
Peach said:
Better than melee.
Mr Wii said:
Maybe yellow is bowser jr?
Mr Wii said:
I really do hope that they are putting Captain Falcon in, I owned with him in Melee.
Nintendoof said:
If you notice, you can see a bit of wire frame slipping out of the middle of the red, blue, and yellow alloys. Hmmm.
ipostedthisonmywii said:
The red one is samus.
YoshLee said:
You may be right, the way the red ones jabbing his hand out does look like Samus' over A button charge.
shadic said:
Nice. Sonic and Mario working together to kick some ass.
Plaugefiend said:
At least they are different.
Plaugefiend said:
This reminds me of the Fighting Polygon team from the first Super Smash Bros game.