Alone in the Dark soundtrack mp3s

Alone in the Dark soundtrack mp3s

The soundtrack of Alone in the Dark is to be released on CD. Some free mp3 samples have been released onto the interwebs for your consideration:

  1. Prelude To An End
  2. Edward Carnby
  3. Truth
  4. Crying New York
  5. Why?
  6. Who Am I?
  7. Loneliness
  8. No More Humans
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Rob Jones

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User comments


ToTaLgAmEr said:

Game soundtracks are so boring.


wii oui said:

All of those songs look very depressing.


Wiipaw said:

Hmmmm. This music is prttey interesting.


Nintendoof said:



hbh said:

Of course there's no more humans, what did you expect when you unleashed Big Willie?


Wiipaw said:

That's weird, Wii oui. For me, I HEAR songs.


Confused said:

Why does it sound like there are advertisements at the beginning of each mp3?


Antimatter said:

AWESOME soundtrack, AWESOME game. Nice job Atari.

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