There's trouble brewing down in ol' Mehicko. High Voltage Software (the ones doing Gyrostarr) reveals another game in development for WiiWare: Animales de la Muerte. Translated that means "Animals of the Dead".
It's the age old story of zoo animals turning into zombies. Lead characters Marco and Maria Mendoza use an array of colorful weaponry to waste the undead, and rescue the good animals. These weapons include:
The game is described as a top-down run-and-gun game, similar to Alien Syndrome (but hopefully better). You move your character with the Nunchuk's control stick and aim using the Wiimote. Here's a trailer:
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
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User comments
Keranu said:
Holy crap, this looks awesome! I loled when the old Mexican gave those kids big guns.
Wii Freak said:
How is this game based on a true story?
Crimson Fang said:
Reminds me of the code in Jurassic Park for undead looking dinosaurs. That game's going to be controversial, because not all Hispanic guys wear sombreros. Oh, and the kids with guns thing.
filipedyfolpedyflu said:
Hell yeahhh! I now realise, we don't need to use the wiimote as a tennis racket, a rocket launcher, not even a lightsabre. We need a FPC (First Person Chainsawer).
hbh said:
Cattle prod! Looks pretty gory, I wonder what it will be rated.
Juan said:
This game's bloodier than No More Heroes.
Ma name is said:
Hmmmm actually the name means Animals of Death. Not animals of the dead.
Nova said:
Wait, I'm confused. A mix of viva pinata, resident evil, and gears of war? How can a game like this even exist? But it looks awesome in a disturbing way.
Senpai said:
Pure Win.
Wii Rox said:
Remind anyone of something *cough*Conker*cough.
Wiipaw said:
*pulls up jaw* this is the most deranged thing I have ever seen! I'll buy.
Wiipaw said:
Jack Thompson is going to have a field day.
Master Foot said:
It had a cute funny vibe to it. The part when the man gives the guns to the children was classic. It's like Resident Evil meets Dora the Explorer.
Fishmon said:
That has got to be the most messed up thing I've ever seen. Pretty hilarious.
Zendalf said:
El Pinata de la Muerte- The Number 12 looks like you. Excellent reference.
Randolph the Grey said:
Well, if it takes WiiWare to prove that there's a hardcore audience on Wii, then great! We might start seeing more quality.
Eric said:
BrothaZ said:
Good god I thought it was viva pinata for the Wii. Don't scare us like that. Ohh and this looks to be THE WEIRDEST GAME I've EVER SEEN.
falconV said:
Very different.
Yeah. Definitely buying.
pk falcon punch said:
So in summary it's vampires hit animal crossing.
Aggravated in AZ said:
Whose deranged mind came up with this? Kids with guns and enough blood to feed over 5000 vampires. This is one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen.
Plaugefiend said:
Reminds me of Conker, only no Teddys.
Bluefan83 said:
OH. MY. GOD. This looks awesome, I can't wait. I don't buy a lot of Wii points but I'll do it for this. Kill Boots Dora, before he eats your brains.
Guitar Legend said:
They were so high when they made this! Crrrrrazzzzzy.
Ultigonio said:
It's the Wii version of Conker.
Wii Freak said:
It's sort of like dead rising.
wii r brawling said:
Well I got the wrong idea of this game. I thought it was about training animals.