Reggie - Apple more of a threat than Microsoft

Reggie - Apple more of a threat than Microsoft

In an interview with Forbes, the president of Nintendo's American arm Reggie Fils-Aime made some comments about the competition. He paid particular note to Apple:

"Do I think that in the near term they can hurt us more than Microsoft? Absolutely. The iPod and iPhone are great for casual games like Angry Birds that provide a welcome distraction. Games on the Nintendo DS, by contrast, can really consume."

To illustrate the point, Reggie went on to admit that he's spent a whopping 150 hours playing Dragon Quest.

Do you feel Apple is eating its way into your Nintendo money?

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Rob Jones

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Yoshi-1up said:

Angry Birds is free and on other phones too, like the Droid. There's no quality games on phones though. Tell me one epic game on the smart phones that you would rate AT LEAST a 4/5. Got to compete with Mario, Pokemon, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Zelda etc.


wiiboy101 said:

What did reggie actually say! He is not calling apple a threat, he's calling microsoft and kinect a non-threat, he's calling microsoft out and saying apple is better than you, he's being ironic.


kash money said:

Reggie is the man, that's it.


Hiper1 said:

I'm sorry, but "Robot Unicorn Attack" is pretty awesome. I know it greatly lacks story but the concept alone, as simple as it is, is enough to captivate anyone. Plus, it has an alternate heavy metal version. I mean, how epic is that? XD.

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