August NPD console sales figures

August NPD console sales figures

The latest sales numbers from the NPD Group suggest that Nintendo are still printing money, taking both of the top spots.

    August 2009 US figures
  1. Nintendo DS - 552,900
  2. Nintendo Wii - 277,400
  3. XBox 360 - 215,400
  4. PS3 - 210,000
  5. PSP - 140,300
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Rob Jones

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Nova said:

Hmmm. Things seem to be evening out. Unfortunate.


wiiboy101 said:

Still going strong, ps3 will pick up next month but so will Wii. PS3 slim and price drop effects won't last long. Wonder if a Wii price cut is coming and a black Wii, looking like they ain't needed yet.


Parvin said:

It's surprising how long these consoles have been out and people are still buying them. And the Wii sold millions when it was first released. I can't believe no one would not have one.


nbro said:

550,000 ps3 slim units sold last week. Good for sony but it's mainly the price cut that did it. The Wii has done these numbers a few times before with no price cut and no new tech so this is no surprise.


wiiboy101 said:

Wii's userbase is huge, no amount of slim sales will catch that and ps3 slim sells at a loss. Don't get sucked into slim sales, it's only fanboys and commercial watchers getting slims. That bubble will soon burst. Wii looking like 199.99 US by October and many retailers will sell at less than that.

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Nova said:

From my ventures on the web so far, it looks like signs point to a Wii price cut in October, if kotaku is to be believed.

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