Even though Manhunt 2 will be hitting shelves in America for Halloween, the UK has yet to award it a rating and may never see the game at all.
Recently the BBFC rejected Rockstar's creation for a second time, after viewing the censored version that garnered an M rating in the US. BBFC Director David Cooke said the changes made were not sufficient, claiming the game maintained a sadistic and visceral style of play.
It's confirmed that Rockstar will be appealing the decision once again after making even more changes.
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spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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User comments
Wii Freak said:
Soon they will have to change it to "E".
David said:
Oh my god I hate that David guy, not me.
Scooby Jew said:
The icon describes that company all too well. I guess that's just too bad for Britain that they have people like that to make sure they can't enjoy a good ol' fashioned crazy ass game. Basically: Ha, Britain.
Splintercell4ever said:
Funny how the BBFC are actually saving lives, while others are admonishing their effort of getting this game away from the public. People will wish this game of the shelves when another tragedy like Virginia Tech will happen.
Keranu said:
I was always under the impression that things were supposed to be "less" censored in Europe.
cmk said:
Eventually you'll be handing candy to children and kissing puppies. And then there will be puppy nude mods and chaos will break out.
wiiboy101 said:
It's a political banning not a content banning. Manhunt 1 was linked to a teen on teen schoolboy murder in Leicester city in the UK and all hell broke loose.
wii rox said:
I can't really comment on this- running and gunning, hack and slash is one thing, but I don't see how focusing on death like this would be considered good gameplay.
jonathan kent said:
We don't want the bloody cut version. Get some sense rockstar. Appeal the uncut version.
DragonFoxCoon said:
I think that people from the UK should import the game from Amsterdam.
Here's a theory, what if rockstar release he M rated (edited) version everywhere (it will eventually come out in the UK e.g carmageddon) and then a 'patch' is released to restore it to the uncut version. It wouldn't be illegal to sell because it wouldn't be strictly a game just a program. Or you could download it on the internet, or if the original content is still in the game and all it takes is a special code to unlock it.
Mr Friend said:
Rated T for bloodless violence and mild language.
Nintendoof said:
Worse Wii Freak, way worse EC. For early childhood. I bet most of you have never heard of it huh?
David said:
I'm a UK citizen and I'm sick of the BBFC. I'll go all columbine tech on their arses if they don't stop being scum. I can't believe america which is way more censored is getting it.
Splintercell4ever said:
David, what the hell is your problem? Why would you say "Go columbine tech on their arses". That is completely disrespectful to the victims of the Columbine and Virginia Tech tragedies, which you spent no time in checking the actual names. By saying you want to do something as hostile as that, that just shows how this game turns people into malefactors.