Developers Treyarch have commented that their Wii version of Call of Duty 5: World at War will be closer to the HD graphics of Xbox 360/PS3 than any other franchise has come so far. All variations of the game are running on the same engine that powered CoD 4.
Call of Duty 5 is yet another World War 2 title, based on the Pacific Theater where Americans take on the Japanese just before Pearl Harbor happens. Co-op gameplay is likely to be a prominent feature this time around.
Release dates are yet to be announced.
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User comments
Wii Freak said:
I love cod 4. Best X-box 360 game for me.
Wiipaw said:
Five bucks says it will look as good as halo 3.
hi said:
That would be really really cool.
Monkeylemur said:
I hope we don't get haters talking about how they could see a .001 mm of pixel in the corner of a.. parachute or something. Other than that, sounds promising, more reason to get a Wii. Yahoo slammed wii-ware and I thought it was the most outrageous thing I've ever heard, it was so stupid that I found it almost funny.
Dox said:
Sweet. Another ww2 shooter.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
Great another WWII game, c'mon people why not a World War 1 or Civil War game.
Quartz said:
Call of Duty fails, but good for them.
Randolph the Grey said:
I don't doubt that Call of Duty 5 could be as good-looking on Wii as Halo on 360. Have you seen the early gameplay videos of the Conduit? Looks great now, how about next year when it releases? That'll be the game to beat.
wE Rastaman said:
Great. The Wii needs another good shooter besides MoH:H2.
zomgboyz said:
Oh my god no way.
Jonny said:
I'm desperately hoping this turns out great -crosses fingers and prays-.
ToTaLgAmEr said:
About time we get a really good looking (graphic wise) game.
wiiboy101 said:
There's no excuse for it-HD, the Wii can come close but gameplay/controls can leave the competition for dead as well as loading speed etc. I just wouldn't play FPS or anything without wiimote/nunchuck, that's last gen - I don't want last gen.
BrAwL said:
There better be multiplayer and online this time around.
nayeem said:
I wish this was also modern warfare instead of another WWII shooter, but I'm glad anyways that its coming for the Wii.
Matt said:
I think that having CoD 5 for the Wii would be a good idea.
i need a wiiew said:
I'm not sure it's going to be as popular- probably just because it's going back to WWII.
afac3 said:
I hate the ww2 aspect, they should keep it modern.
Master Foot said:
Maybe they are just stirring up some hype for the Wii game since it's common knowledge that Wii is less powerful compared to 360 and PS3. If they can at least pull some fluid 720i, then I will tip my hat to Treyarch. At least we have some assurance that we will not get a gimped version of CoD5.
Son Ninja said:
Treyarch finally realize that even though their previous game, Call of Duty 4, though great in everyway and sells millions on the PS3, X-Box 360, Nintendo DS, and PC. If it ain't on the Wii, it won't be a system seller. Of course the game sells millions but those millions didn't help move consoles as much as the Wii could. I could only imagine what the Wii would be on NPD's monthly list if CoD 5 does land on the Wii and had equivalent graphics to both consoles it is fighting against.
Matt said:
Finally! Cally of Duty for Wii! Oh wait 3 sucked anyways with great *wii* graphics and online world at war for Wii will be a must-own. Getting tired of MoH H2. I wonder if it will beat The Conduit to the punch.
lola said:
I like WWII shooters, especially COD. But I think the graphics for the Wii, I hope it isn't like cod3, that part sucks.
ChromeAlchemist said:
While I pray this will be really good, I'm more waiting for the conduit and anything that is going to be revealed at E3, like zelda: axis of shadows and f-zero, because even if they are moving the war to the pacific theater (japan and the east), WW2 has still been done to death. However fingers crossed this will be good. By the way @son ninja, call of duty 4 was done by infinity ward not treyarch, which is why no one can gauge how good this game will be.
Udontneedmyname said:
Wish it was modern.
White ninja said:
COD5, sounds great and I have both 360 and Wii, so now I'm stuck as to which to buy! Although I do wish that if there's a next one they could make it either modern or maybe a little futuristic? Like instead of a radar have heat sensors or motion sensors, and I heard you can play 4 people (on the same wii) online against others.
Wii Freak said:
The only good shooters are metroid, Medal of Honor Heroes 2, maybe the conduit, and maybe call of duty 5. And that's it.
loafer said:
Is it online? Hope it is, that would be sweet.
damit said:
Why couldn't they just stick to the modern warfare theme. I'm so sick of the ww2 shooters.
me said:
If they put COD5 on the Wii it would make a lot more money than just xbox360 or ps3. So many people own a Wii it would get loads of cash.
hey said:
It should be another modern warfare not another ww2. Cod4 is the best.
Minas said:
I'm sure Activision will not disappoint Wii fans.
parvin said:
Hey has a point there. There's no point having a few world war 2 games, then having a modern game, then sticking in another world war 2 game. I think it should be modern like cod4. There would be more advanced weapons and vehicles, and it would be fun seeing what the future would look like.
Cas said:
How can it be running on the same engine as COD 4 when COD4 wasn't put onto the Wii? I think they used the COD3 engine because it would have taken them longer to port the COD4 engine over to the Wii.
flappy bag said:
No they have ported a Wii version of the engine, and yeah obviously it's gonna take longer to port it, but I don't think they care about time. They are aiming for the best next gen Wii game, that can't be rushed.
not telling said:
It better be online.
Theoball2 said:
I've heard that it will be almost as good graphics as 360/ps3, and yes! It will be online and chat talk but not co-op online. Can't wait to shoot folks up with the Wii zapper.
link said:
Just wait and hope it's better than COD3.
periodic gamer said:
Yea cod 3 sucked. I mean gameplay was good yea but the graphics were terrible, a big let down. Whereas cod 4 made up for that and was just amazing, I think that they made a minor mistake in going back to wwII and should have looked more deeply into wars before the present day. I'm just happy there's another cod game, I think it might blow us all away but for now we'll have to wait and see. Praying that the graphics won't be a big catastrophe.
COD5=5FISH said:
Oh my god it's going to use the Wii remote's microphone! It's going to be awesome online, they're using COD4 engine for the online and the campaign, sweet.
vishwajeet said:
The best war game ever.
wii pwner said:
I think cod4 for ps3 was good so I think this will be good as long as you have the Wii zapper it will help.
Stephen Taylor said:
It's not possible for the Wii to come close graphically, it's simply not got the grunt.
CNC all the way said:
If cod 5 for the Wii doesn't look good, then that is complete BS. Look at cod 3, it wasn't half bad compared to cod 4. Yes, the graphics weren't great buy they weren't horrible. And by the way, I do agree with Diddy Kong Lover, because they went from WWII to modern to WWII again. What the hell.
The Lamb said:
I can't stand people ranting on about WWII shooters being awful. Just you guys wait until november 11th then you will eat your words.
samthespark said:
WWII shooters are awesome. Call of duty 4 was a spinoff. Was good. They were going to put it on Wii, but it took too long. Anyway the Call of Duty 4 Engine they used with 360/ps3 is now on the Wii.
cod all the way said:
I really hope you can use the gamecube controller or the classic controller. Sure the wiimote will be great and fun but I do pretty well at cod 4 at my friends and I have a Wii, and I kind of like the joystick aiming system and whatnot.
wiiman said:
I want to know if COD 5 is coming out on the Wii. I haven't got an exbox or a PS3, I have a Wii though. People all say that COD4 is amazing but I can't get it because I ain't got the right console.
Ibraheem said:
Is it compatible with gamecube controller?
Skilled Frag said:
I hope a lot of people play online, will not come close to XBL but I hope there is still a decent amount of people.
christian holmes said:
I really think that Call of Duty 5 will be the greatest game on the Wii for years to come.
Lukey Sounds said:
COD5 is a WWii but who cares, the game is bad buns. Finally, Wii has brought out an online game that is worth playing! Good for them, and hopefully more to come. Maybe sometime, they will allow friends face each other at your own houses, instead of all online.
Yuri said:
Sorry guys but the nunchuck or whatever is not the next gen gaming experience. It's all about graphics and processing power and the Wii is just an upgraded gamecube.
shooter said:
Yes there are a lot of WW2 shooters out there, but that's not a reason to make yet another sci-fi shooter. Modern warfare or anything between ww2 and today is fine. Near future is fine too as long as we don't go back to shooting aliens with pea shooters.
q said:
I own it now and it probably has the most realistic graphics on Wii. Nicely done, keep them coming.
kempsy said:
I had this game for Christmas and although I'm not great, I think it's the best game I have ever played. 2nd best would be the new james bond. Graphics are also quite sharp for Wii.
iRagealot said:
Yea this game has brought a new meaning to the word "epic". With the Wiimote/zapper it's amazingly fun.
Shermanator said:
It is the best game I've played in a long time.
little killer said:
This game rocks! The only problem is that on the ps3 you can have 6 players per team online. WHY?
[Ninja]Slash said:
[Ninja] is a new Wii CoD 5 clan, join us.
CoD Freak said:
I'm going to get it for the Wii. Looks really good.
colonel keenan said:
Cod5 on the Wii is good but could be better. Like if you could speak to your teammates to do stuff against the other team, and ask them their friend code. Secondly, there should be zombies because all my friends have xbox 360, ps3, so on, and it's getting really annoying because it sounds really good. Apart from that, cod5 is alright.
CoD man said:
That is great, but can you fix the problem with Nazi zombies not being on the game.
Brandon said:
Anyone have call of duty 5 online for Wii?
X X said:
I love this game for Wii.
EM said:
I got a 500 score in COD WAW Wii.