Capcom remaking original RE

Capcom remaking original RE

Capcom has revealed they'll be porting another aging RE title over to the Wii. This time it's the original Resident Evil from the Gamecube (which was itself a remake..).

Wiimote controls will be added, for example shaking to draw your weapon, but the Gamecube controller will also be supported.

Like the other port, Resident Evil Zero, it's said this game will stay inside Japan.

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Rob Jones

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MediumBlueMetallic said:

Can they port us Resident Evil 5? I'm still really PO'd that Wii're not getting it. (And there's no official word of a late release, either).


Diddy Kong Lover said:

Couldn't they just port Resident Evil 2 from N64 over VC or like actually have RE 5 on Wii instead of those other machines or even better bring back Code Veronica. I mean RE 1 has been remade to GameCube and Nintendo DS.


YoshLee said:

Huh a remake of a remake(). I may consider RE since I've never played the origional one and I just can't get enough of zombie killing.


resident evil fan said:

Is it going to feature the camera like in RE4.


Vive la Ouii said:

Yeah, keep that in Japan please. No need for more ports. C'mon people, make some NEW games.


manu said:

I believe Nintendo should have spent in more graphic prowess and make the damn wiimote more accurate, then we would all get R5. Instead they got scared and tried to lay low with a catchy price, period.


Zombie Hunter said:

I think that Capcom should make Resident Evil 5 available for the Nintendo Wii, along with all future games in the franchise. I am sick of games that are not made available for just one game system. I am sure if we make enough noise that Nintendo and Capcom will listen to us, the fans.

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