I had a feeling this was coming today. The latest Super Smash Bros Brawl update describes Captain Olimar's special moves. Of course, they involve the Pikmin.
His standard special move is the Pikmin Pluck. As long as he's standing on some ground, Olimar can pull up a new Pikmin. Certain colored Pikmin are more likely to show up depending on the type of ground he's plucking from.
You work for me now.
Up to 6 Pikmin can be following him around at any one time. There are five unique types available:
Pikmin colors
Do you want me, baby?
Caught on camera.
Can't I fly with this thing?
The Notorious P.I.K.
It's a beautiful day for a stroll.
Keep up, fatboy.
This is what I get for my trouble.
The side special move is the Pikmin Throw. This is where you throw a Pikmin, if they hit your opponent they'll grab on and slowly cause the damage meter to rise.
Help, I think I've got fleas.
Olimar can also use his Pikmin as a means of recovery if he goes over the edge, with the up special move of Pikmin Chain.
Ok, we'll talk about that pay rise.
Lastly, you can call back wayward Pikmin, or just reorder your line using the down special move Pikmin Order.
Everybody dance now.
Chaos at the Pikmin Mansion.
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User comments
wiistorm13 said:
Is the side move the only B move that hurts? But pretty good.
supersmashboom said:
So all of his moves seem to put him on the offensive, he's going to be a tough character to get the hang of.
ToTaLgAmEr said:
I still think he's going to suck, but I might try him still.
WiiNinja said:
When I first saw this update, all I wanted to play was Pikmin 1 and 2. I forgot how much fun they were. I saw this coming. Who else did?
Mr Mcboberson said:
These moves look pretty good, I think it's going to be a lot like playing the original game on how it looks. I wonder how he'll grab?
pichu fan said:
So far we've seen Olimar's four costumes and his moves are cool, but is he a secret character?
YoshLee said:
Cool, those special moves will mix things up a lot. I'm definitely thinking of playing as Olimar. Even if you have to reload Pikmin, you just need to gain a little distance from an enemy and that wouldn't be too hard.
ipostedthisonmywii said:
Amazing, really cool. His final smash should be Pikmin explode! When the Pikmin run around the screen and latch onto people and then explode.
Aeth said:
Comment for last picture: Whoa, that's a lot of Pikmin! Anyway very interesting update. He doesn't really use them like clubs like I originally thought (though since these are his special Smash he still might use the Pikmin like a club for his normal Smash) but instead he just throws them and allows them to do damage as time goes on. This is a very interesting idea as you don't need to attack them directly now and you can go on and do the same to other opponents. Though I guess that the damage doesn't cause them fly back which might means you can lose your KO with him if you get distracted with someone else. Also I think the different colored Pikmin would get confusing after a while and people might just forget what each one does altogether while fighting. However good update, this week is turning out to be the best we've had in a while.
Nintendoof said:
I knew it! It's totally awesome.
MrWii said:
5 different types of pikmin, each with their own special traits. Nice.
WiiWorldRules said:
Is that his final smash in the last picture?
Monkeys9 said:
Olimar and the Pikmin make me sad. They work so hard and then die because they are so weak. They are little slaves. Call PETA, free the Pikmin.
KoKo said:
By the looks of this Captain Olimar might not be a really offensive character but a real technical one, because you got to take care of your Pikmin and probably manage some time to pluck some out while the brawl is on. I think that's what makes Captain Olimar different from the other characters, and I like that. He is not going to be one of my favorite characters but I am looking forward to play with him. I hope his Final Smash is really good.
smash fan x said:
Hey is that pic with the Pikmin Chain the Pikmin stage?
DragonFoxCoon said:
That's awesome; if all four players are Olimar, 24 Pikmin can be on screen at once, making things really hectic.
Aeth said:
WiiWorldRules, nah, it's not his Final Smash, it's just multiple Olimars, each one having their own set of Pikmin (which means, if they have all 6 of their Pikmin there are 24 Pikmin). Hey, here's an idea, how about for an event challenge is beating down a few hundred Pikmin? Do you think Kirby has 6 different costumes for Olimar and the Pikmin? Red Pikmin Kirby can launch fireballs, Yellow Pikmin Kirby does an electrical bolt, Blue Pikmin Kirby can make an unbreakable shield, Purple Pikmin Kirby can do a powerful headbutt, White Pikmin Kirby can attach a poison pod on his opponents, and Olimar Kirby can pull up and throw his own Pikmin.
wiicloud9 said:
Boy. I'll try 'em, but I'm not going to like it. Seems like Sakurai's putting a lot of unique characters in this game. Thought Pokemon Trainer was the only one honestly (with the changing of Pokemon within battle).
SSB4LIFE said:
Those are some cool attacks. I might try out Olimar after all.
I don't know about him, I like the up B move but everything else just seems too repetitive.
Pikachu Kirby Fan said:
How will Kirby use Pikmin Pluck? Any ideas?
hbh said:
Monkeys, if you leave the pikmin alone they are easy prey for predators. If Olimar didn't have the pikmin, he would never get anything done. It's called symbiosis.
bored said:
I wonder how the pikmin can get killed by other players. Are they going to be knocked off the stage with one hit or can they take a certain number hits before dying? Also I wonder if the pikmin will automatically detach from people after a while or if they stay there until you call them back. Maybe people will be able to hit them off? Also the last picture is several Captain Os each with their own pikmin.
Master Foot said:
Check the TNA on the red pikmin, meow baby.
goldseer said:
Saw this one coming, maybe Louie or his boss will be an assist trophy. Hopefully emperor bulbax or another pikmin enemy will appear in the subspace emissary. Keep your fingers crossed everyone.
YoshLee said:
Hey what would happen if Kirby sucked him up, how would he use the Pikmin?
hbh said:
I can't wait to get brawl, and see the Wii/ Xbox360/ ps3 sales chart when it comes out.
Aeth said:
Smash fan x, That's the Donkey Kong Stage "Rumble Falls". I think that Kirby might have 6 costumes for Olimar, one for Olimar and one for each Pikmin (See my 2nd post above). Due to the Pikmin ghosts on the field, I guess they have an unseen life bar and they'll die after several hits. As for detaching, well the monsters in Pikmin were able to knock them off so it would make sense the other Brawlers could.
Plaugefiend said:
I still claim Olimar is better than Ice Climbers.
Plaugefiend said:
If Kirby can create his own Pikmin, can he have 6 as well? It doesn't seem right.
A Guy said:
Wonder what his role will be in Subspace Emissary? And forget the Emperor bulblax, think if it was the Man-at-Legs or the transparent gecko guy on wheels you meet in the Submerged Castle.
MeleeBrawler said:
Okay, if Kirby copies Olimar's B attack and plucks out 6 Pikmin, what is he going to do with them? I mean he only copies the be move, but the pikman are said for special attacks, right?
sonic fan 1 said:
I love olimar, seriously I do. He's awesome. He one of my favorite characters.