You could say we've been long overdue for a new character announcement in Super Smash Bros Brawl, and Sakurai delivers today. He comes in peace, and his name is Captain Olimar.
Olimar originates from the supercool Pikmin games. The Pikmin are tiny creatures plucked from the ground, like walking plants. They'll be helping Olimar out in Brawl too.
Is he asleep? Who knows!
One small step for man, one hour walk for Pikmin kind.
Greetings earth man, I bring gifts.
You may not eat these, monkey boy.
We're also treated to a theme, but I guess the music in Pikmin wasn't too memorable.
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User comments
Wii Freak said:
I thought he'd be an assist trophy or something. Oh well at least a new character was confirmed. And when are they going to reveal captain falcon?
YoshLee said:
Awesome, finally a new character and a pretty good one at that. I wonder what happens when he runs out of pikman. I expect some awesome updates soon to come.
iceclimberbeastx3 said:
I wonder how he will use the pikmin.
wiicloud9 said:
Woooooow! I know of a thousand other characters that could have replaced him. He better have darn-good attacks, because he wasn't a runner-up as a character in my eyes.
Callen said:
I wonder what made them think to put him in? But he's cool.
ToTaLgAmEr said:
The Pikmin games were cool, but as a character he looks like he will suck.
hbh said:
YES! I never doubted you, Olimar! I wonder what his attacks are.
N0vaflar3 said:
W00t! Captain olimer ftw.
pichu fan said:
It's about time, but let's not forget about Friday. Maybe a returning character. This game is going to rock forever, I just want to see every character back please.
BrothaZ said:
Ohh finally they put in a new character. Even though olimar's supposed to be an inch tall.
Aeth said:
This week just went from great to AWESOME! We finally get a new character and it's no other than Olimar and his Pikmin troop! Many people had him as wanted playable character as a joke and said he would make an awesome Assist Trophy, but I guess the joke is now on them. From what it looks, he seems to use his Pikmin as clubs. It kind of stinks that if he loses his Pikmin he can't attack until he plucks up a few more, but that is the way he rolls I guess. I wonder if he can have more than five Pikmin at a time. But what Final Smash can he possibly have? Maybe his Space Ship flies around the field beaming down Pikmin in large numbers to join Olimar possibly? Oh and the music, it's nice a pleasant though not something I would exactly fight to, maybe it depends on the stage it'll be played on.
Juan said:
Not the captain I was hoping for.
insultman911 said:
All characters have been revealed.
Nintendoof said:
I knew it! Boy I've been waiting for this. The song means there's a Pikmin place too hopefully. I hope Louie is in it.
Ultigonio said:
Yes yes yes. This is awesome, because Pikmin was an awesome game. But I think the composers could've done better with the theme. What about the 2-Player battle theme?
Mr Kickass said:
WOOHOO. Finally, an unexpected character update. Who could see this coming? Now all we're missing is Megaman and some other characters, then this game is really going to go through the roof.
#1 Peach Fan said:
This is an awesome update.
Mr Friend said:
Koko said:
Not really the character I expected, he's just too little. Well at least I think he will be better than Wario.
Rags said:
I find this the most hilarious Brawl update ever. But I'm still going to play as him.
WiiWorldRules said:
Finally a new character.
DKX900 said:
Oh my god! I was very sceptical about whether he would be in the game though it is good to see Nintendo looking at a wider aspect of games. I have never played a Pikmin game though I have a friend who is mad about Pikmin. Being able to play as Olimar may be able to teach me about Pikmin without me even needing to get the game. Who knows?
Captain Jamesman said:
Pikmin as a playable character? Don't you think that's a little far-fetched? On the other hand, I like the music.
SmashBrosAddict said:
Amazing, absolutely amazing. This makes me so freaking excited. This guy looks hard to master, kind of like Ness, but I bet he'll be a pretty decent character to play against and as.
kool-aid man said:
Wow he looks so cool, I can't wait to use him.
smash fan x said:
Olimar was highly requested for a character. The last character revealed was Dedede on October 25th. We need more characters revealed or the roster won't hit 30.
S0NICGunman said:
This is probably going to be the last revealed character, as Super Smash Bros Brawl launches in japan January 24th.
divinityboy said:
Koko; how can anyone be better than Wario. This guy is pretty weird, and they won't reveal Falcon, he'll be a secret character.
Nickhead said:
Wonder how he fights?
Lt11 said:
We still have more characters but they may be secret.
Kenny said:
I dunno whether to be relieved or insulted. Seriously, Nintendo has a WIDE arsenal of characters and they chose Olimar. There is a "WTF?!" moment here, but I'll simply let it slide. However I WILL say that I would've frigging settled for Balloon Fighter at this point. Thinks for an overdue goddamn character update.
dogman said:
Captain Olimar? Who's next to be added? I hope they will reveal another new character soon.
DragonFoxCoon said:
I'm not surprised. I'd like to see how far the symbiotic relationship goes; I already know that a Smash attack is impossible without a Pikmin.
Frogman said:
Wow, this is unexpected. This is one of the best updates in a long time. Now if only Ridley is confirmed. Then this will be the greatest video game in the history of the world, although galalxy is pretty good.
JosephTheSquirrel said:
FINALLY! NEW CHARACTER! Olimar. Hmm. I think he'd do better as an assist trophy really.
WiiNinja said:
Tomarrow's post: Pikmin and Olimar Special Moves. Friday: Something BIG. Believe me, they did this with Sonic, and they announced E for All. By the way, here's what it looks like: Olimar PICKS Pikmin out of the ground like Peach's turnips in Melee. This time, they're used as ammunition for consecutive Smash Attacks. If you miss hitting your opponent, that's another Pikmin wasted. Special moves? C'mon, who played the game? You'll know what they are soon enough.
WiiNinja said:
Oh, I can't wait for the stage! I don't expect it to be as intense as other stages, but it adds a huge variety.
cool said:
Fishmon said:
Wii Collector said:
Captain Olimar is awesome, but I'm not sure if he's exactly Smash material. We'll just have to wait and see. I hope they're using this extra time they've given themselves to make Wind Waker Link, or Mega Man, or something.
YoshLee said:
Now if they don't have at least a few of the characters I still want I got to say I may be a little ticked off, but I doubt that will happen.
ZombieKumquat said:
I don't think anyone remembered the music in Pikmin. I never liked the games so I don't think I'll be playing him that much.
Plaugefiend said:
Wow. I never expected him. I'll probably prefer him to Ice Climbers anyways. That might be the last character to show until Brawl comes out folks.
Master Foot said:
If you stare hard enough, the pikmin look like the rabbids from Rayman.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
Besides Ness, Pichu and Dr Mario, every character should return. Although a cool update, I could have thought of a better replacement.
RisingPheonix said:
I've never played a pikmin but this looks awesome. Can't wait to play as him.
jUiCeE-jUiCe said:
Ah sweet freedom from all the bad updates as we get - Captain Olimar.
nuked burrito said:
Looks like the ice climbers got a new friend, they can hang out together when no one is playing as them. AHA burn.
willandhiswii said:
Olimar pones n00bs! Sorry had to say it.
Epsilon said:
Ha. I was right. The screenshot from December may not have had Olimar in it, but he's still in Brawl. What could his Final Smash be? Maybe PIKMIN RUSH. @insultman911: Yeah right, like Nintendo would leave out so many returning characters or have announced all the newcomers. Though they're probably close to revealing all of them. Still waiting for the Sonic stage, wake me up when they announce it.
Gina Beets said:
Oh my freakin god this is so cool! He's going to be one of my top brawlers. You know what? He is the top next to Samus and Pit.
Mike said:
What the! Maybe this guy could be the replacement to all those people (including me) for Mr Game and Watch. I hope they bring him back though.
supersmashdodo said:
I think his smash attacks will become stronger depending on how many pikmin you have.
Mr Wii said:
I don't know what I feel about this guy, he could suck or rock.
peter said:
Here is my theory and tell me what you think of it. When Olimar does say a side smash attack, and when you let go, the Pikmin will thrust forward from behind Olimar and deal out damage. Also this could be work as Olimar's grappling hook. I think that his technique is the "more the merrier".
Aeth said:
Characters I think are not returning: Dr Mario, Jigglypuff, Mewtwo, Pichu and Young Link. If they really want they could make Dr Mario a special costume for Mario. With Pokemon Trainer having three popular Pokemon (Squirtle, Ivysaur and Charizard) which limits the Pokemon fighters, but I think that they have enough room for one more Pokemon, and my vote is for Lucario. Young Link is kind of the same as normal Link so if we leave him out there won't be too many complaints. However they should keep Captain Falcon, Falco, Ganondorf, Luigi, Mr Game & Watch, Ness and Sheik. There has been clues that Captain Falcon is in like his franchise having a series icon, a few F-Zero characters are in the game, Alloy Red seems to have his Wire Frame and a few have said they've seen Captain Falcon's Falcon Punch in one of the Subspace Emissary movie. Falco is to Fox like Luigi is to Mario. Ganondorf was given no justice as he was just a copy of Captain Falcon, but with his new Twilight Princess design I think they can give him his own moveset this time around (with using a sword). Luigi might be in as during one of the videos pieces of a field which looks to be based on Luigi's Mansion (So he might also have his Poltergust 3000 like how Mario has his F.L.U.D.D.) and that he's a classic character. Mr Game & Watch was a pretty interesting character and would be a shame for him to go. Just having Lucas to represent Earthbound is fine, but having Ness would be even better (though they might seem to be clones of each other). And for Sheik, it was a brilliant idea for them to do what they did with Zelda and Sheik and should have it back in because of it (We can't have Samus and Zero Suit Samus talking all the glory). I'm not too sure about Marth or Roy, great to have them back but it might be overdoing all the sword wielding characters.
YoshLee said:
One of his special moves is probably when he plucks Pikmin from the ground (which will probably be how he reloads Pikmin), like how Peach picks up vegetables.
Dark Star said:
Nice to see a new character for the first time in a long while. This is going to be an interesting character. By the way, did anyone else recognize the bagpipes in the theme?
Sexystf said:
Why Olimar is playable and Little Mac is not? Wrong selection here (my opinion).
Plaugefiend said:
Divinityboy, Falco might not be in brawl. Though they would kind of be stupid if he's not in the next game or Krystal. If Ridley's not in brawl. What about the other hunters? I say, Noxus.
Double A said:
I think it's cool, just don't know what he'd do in the game. He could only punch, sleep after you've obtained an item, throw Pikmin, and blow a whistle.
Aeth said:
Plaugefiend, I think Ridley might be a boss like Petey Pirahna and Rayquaza.
SSB4LIFE said:
I don't like him too much but I'll wait until I find out his attacks. I also have to play as him to see if I like him.
Randolph the Grey said:
He looks like a specialized character. I love Pikmin, and I wanted Olimar so badly. Nintendo has delivered.
insultman911 said:
Wish there was a green pikmin.
hbh said:
Maybe Louie or a bulbmin could be an assist trophy.
megamanfan said:
I hear you Aeth, except for mr game and watch, I don't think that he should be in. Falco wasn't bad, but in ssbm he had EXACTLY the same move set as Fox, so unless they give him some new moves, I wouldn't want him in Brawl.
giga pichu said:
Pikmin 2 was awesome and Pikmin 1 was okay. So I was super excited when Captain Olimar was confirmed. Now he will blast off to brawl with his Pikmin.
Pikman said:
I'm going to beat classic mode with him first.
olimar said:
Lego star wars chars. Should be in it.
Waluigi Fan said:
Captain Olimar is one of the best characters in my opinoin.
A Guy said:
Nuked burrito, I have beaten The Showdown with Ice Climbers, and they are the only ones who can beat my brother when he is using Marth. Ice Climbers own.
YoshLee said:
I agree with a guy, I use both Olimar and Ice Climbers quite well and I know plenty of people who use the Ice Climbers in brawl (and are good).