Club Nintendo US to use coins

Club Nintendo US to use coins

A small snippet of information regarding the new Club Nintendo for US residents - it will use virtual coins, rather than stars which are used in other regions.

The main benefit of the club for Nintendo gamers is that you register your games and consoles online to build up these coins, which can then be traded in for stuff. Additionally, if you register your Wii or DS it extends your warranty.

According to the official site, Club Nintendo is coming soon.

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Rob Jones

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User comments


SkullHydra said:

I hope I get coins from the games that I've already registered.


Step said:

++ what SkullHydra said.

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Mario said:

Prefer stars, but it is no big deal.


The Yoshi Guy said:

Hey people. LONG time since I posted here. Glad to be back. Anyway, I am glad that we finally get Club Nintendo. Stars, coins, I don't care as long as we get something.


gamer23409 said:

So that redeem Nintendo point with stars can't apply anymore?


james braselton said:

Wow can not wait too collect game coins for games.

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