Activision has revealed it will be porting popular 2 year old title Call of Duty: Modern Warfare onto the Wii this November.
Development is being handled by Treyarch, well known for Spider-Man and CoD games. There's currently no news on what features or content will be included.
It's set to be released on the same day that other consoles get Modern Warfare 2. As a Wii owner, do you feel short changed or pleased?
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Parvin said:
Are you sure about this? If it was coming on the Wii, it would say in my monthly magazine, Official Nintendo Magazine. I doubt it will come to the Wii, but if it does, it's a definite buy for me.
StarTurtle said:
It might be 2 years late, but I'd rather have it than nothing.
Parvin said:
Hmmmmm, there's posts coming up now on several websites saying that cod 6 Wii will come out. And those posts were recent; august to be exact. What you guys think? Trustworthy or scam?
Mischief Shadow said:
I heard it was coming to DS. Either way I feel it will be a bad port. Just from past experience.
Perfect Gun said:
I am happy played, Modern Warfare on 360 and it is good but they should thought of selling it when they all came out.
Parvin said:
Modern warfare?!? That might be a miss actually. The problem would be that it would be the same as the xbox version. I might not buy it if the levels aren't different.
wiiboy101 said:
This means either an older port on the cheap, or it means sorry it's late guys but we have done a great polished port and it looks and plays great. Hopefully the latter. Having a big dev studio dedicated to a port of an existing game could mean it's getting lots of polish, but it might be poor Wii support also. Fingers crossed.
Parvin said:
I'll only buy this if it has Wii speak and if it has better graphics than waw Wii.
Zumwan said:
2 years old. That's a not-so-Modern Warfare.
wiiboy101 said:
Think about it guys, a finished game exists, the big dev costs have been spent, cod modern warfare 2 is in development elsewhere, so to have a full year plus just to port it allows them time and cash to polish it to a sheen. BUT I won't HOLD MY BREATH. I want better clarity and normal mapping etc, bring it up to scratch. I hope that's what they're doing, if so I'm in, if not forget it.
Parvin said:
Maybe they'll change the levels slightly.
lazerboy2 said:
If it comes on the Wii I'm going to get it.
Parvin said:
The problem with releasing modern warfare the same day as modern warfare 2 for the xbox 360 and ps3 is that more people will obviously go for modern warfare 2 if they have, for example, both an xbox and Wii.
wiiboy101 said:
Still playing WaW on Wii via the zapper mode. I still cannot get over how good the zapper fps controls are. I play both ways, true Wii fps nunchuck and wiimote but I've started playing zapper mode firing from the hip, no scoping is fantastic, it's fps but arcady at the same time but I tend to lean forward getting back pain whereas on standard Wii fps I relax back into my chair and just flick at the wrist. To think these amazing and precise ways to play are being missed by Sony junkies. I just could not imagine playing cod on a coughshock pad, they're hideous and their analogs are dead, it's just so outdated that way.
Sharpy said:
They are definitely going to have to give the game a huge graphics overhaul. The wii's graphics engine is nothing like the other consoles and the game will most likely look, feel and play totally different.
Son Ninja said:
If it had better multiplayer than CoD: WaW then I might check it out but still it's kind of stupid for Activision releasing this at the same time Modern Warfare 2 comes out.
Zericon said:
I'd love it, I have all three systems, played WaW for both the box and Wii, I love both for different reasons. I think a Modern warfare, if done in the same multiplayer platform as WaW for Wii, I'll bite.
Suade said:
"As a Wii owner, do you feel short changed or pleased?" Both. Pleased because W@W turned out so well. Short changed because MW is two years old and the sequel comes out on other systems the same day. If Modern Warfare Wii is fully polished then I'm all for it. I'm hooked on W@W, but I still want the features that the PS360 versions have. My dream version will have DLC and come with a headset. I do think Activision is shooting themselves in the foot releasing it on the same day as MW2. A few weeks before makes more sense to me.
Parvin said:
I agree with son ninja. There's Modern Warfare 2 for the next gen HD consoles, and then there's Modern Wardare which is a 2 year old game or whatever, and it's on the Wii, with less graphical power and always ends up missing stuff off the other consoles (what I mean is if you brought sonic unleashed for the Wii and 360, it would miss out hub world, and cod w@w missed out zombie mode, etc). It's obvious that more people will go for the better one. It would have been better if they released modern warfare earlier so people could see what the game's like. Releasing it on the same day as modern warfare 2 is utter stupidity.
Perfect Gun said:
Hm it is funny seeing the soldier saying it's a me. You know the rest just like mario.
Jd said:
I think this game will be great, but it is a slap in the face to the Wii only owners like me. Wiiguy: Hey dude, I got modern warfare today, the first day of its release! 360guy: 0_0 dude. I got that already, and I got modern warfare 2 on the first day of release. It's so much better. Wiiguy: (sorry, wiiguy is no longer available, due to a deep state of depression due to the fact that everyone else but him gets to have modern warfare 2).
Wii Cloud said:
If they can also steal Guitar Hero 5's idea and use a SD Card to bring in new data, I'll get it.
Parvin said:
What kind of new data though?