Wii beats competition in build quality

Wii beats competition in build quality

In a recent poll, CNET asked the public about their experiences with console hardware failures. Unsurprisingly, the wacky red ringer came out looking the worst, while Wii had the lowest problem rate of all three major home consoles.

  1. 60% of Xbox 360 owners had encountered hardware failure.
  2. 16% of Sony PS3 owners had encountered hardware failure.
  3. 6% of Nintendo Wii owners had encountered hardware failure.

Anyone here been through a hardware breakdown? I've never had a problem with my Wii (IF Y'KNOW WHA'M SAYIN'!!).

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Rob Jones

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Lokee said:

Pun pun pun. At Microsoft, when will they learn. Nintendo is legendary for the quality of their products and their customer service. Microsoft on the other hand is infamous.

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Nova said:

Hmmm. Actually, my Wii's internal fan stopped working years ago, causing the thing to overheat after playing for thirty minutes or so. I bought an external fan, which solved the problem, but I guess that still counts as hardware failure. Oh well, not a problem anymore.


wiiboy101 said:

Every Nintendo product ever made has been high quality apart from n64 controller plastic and the n64 early version of flash based memory cards, they would corrupt easy, but at least Nintendo went flash way way before anybody else. Nes, snes, gameboys still found to this day at market stalls and car boot sales, garage sales, in full working order. I have an original black gamecube with the digital out port, it's been rolled down stairs, dropped in a bath of hot soapy water, lid badge ripped out, covered in dust and cobwebs and still works perfectly to this day, NO BULL.


SuperManlyDude said:

It's been great to me so far. The only big problem I had was when I got mad off one night and chunked the wiimote (Mario Kart Wii blue shell online). The Wiimote didn't work right for a month, but I guess the gyroscope realigned or something because it works fine now.


PerfectGun said:

Mine does not read my discs but so far my Wii is the only system that had hardware breakdown.


andrewq said:

My Wii fell down 5 feet, 2 months ago, still working.


Parvin said:

Ha. The only problem I've had with my Wii was that SSBB was not working. But that don't even matter now it's fixed. And with my 360, it didn't even get red ring of death; it just didn't play discs. Silly xbox.


wiiboy101 said:

Perfect guy get a Wii cleaner disc and try keeping it clean, you have a dirty lens, just clean it. I have a day one release Wii, still works perfectly but did have issues with dual layered discs until I cleaned it. I have a much newer Wii also, runs perfect. PS2/x360 by far the worst console build quality ever.


PerfectGun said:

Wiiboy my discs aren't dirty, it's that none of my games don't work on my Wii any more.

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Nova said:

PerfectGun, he's talking about the internal disc reader in your Wii itself, not the discs. If none of your games are working, it may be a problem of the reader being very dirty, which would be fixed with a cleaner.


regigigas said:

Back in the day in Japan Wiis didn't work because of the smoke filling up the filter. And I'm guessing the Wii problems in mixed with sensor bar, wiimote etc. Probs. I'm just guessing.


Lokee said:

I been wondering, my Wii has been making a horrid buzz saw noise when I have a disc in it. It doesn't scratch the discs as far as I tell but just wanted to know if it's something I should worry about?

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Lay-Z Boy said:

I'm not surprised.


Jared said:

I knew it was a lot, but 60%? That's just a little bit frightening.


PerfectGun said:

Oh ty Nova that will help a lot.


PerfectGun said:

My Wii still does not work (Sad).


wiiboy101 said:

No company on earth would get passed trading standard laws with x360, only Microsoft as they're so rich and powerful. Nintendo would never sell such a product either. X360 should have been removed from shelves a long time ago.

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