Crash Bandicoot on Wii

Crash Bandicoot on Wii

At a recent demo for DS game "Crash Boom Bang", creators Vivendi stated that Crash Bandicoot would definitely be appearing on the Wii in some form. Crash Boom Bang is a party game and Vivendi said that the wiimote would be a great fit for its mechanics.

I wish I could be more excited but the last Crash Bandicoot game I played was "Wrath of Cortex" (zzzzz). We'll post more details as and when we get them.

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Rob Jones

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quartzlcc said:

Heh. Sounds cool.


a name said:

I may be wrong but I believe this rumour was declared to be false.


rollin said:

Even if it is false, it's just a matter of time I'd guess.


Joey said:

I guess even if they are false there is still a 80% chance that it will come out.

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Luke said:

I'm not a huge fan of "Crash Bandicoot". But I did love the game "Crash Bash" though!


Gary The Snail said:

More like "Bash Crash". Now that'd be fun.


wii-mote dude said:

Ahh smashing crates, how creative.


FoolKilla said:

Hopefully its an all-new better version of Crash Bash. That game was awesome, but short.


Wii Freak said:

I LOVE the crash bandicoot games.


Mama Wiia said:

My family loves playing the Crash games, and we would love to see one for the Wii.


ahsley said:

I would really love to play this on the Wii.

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