Crytek buys Free Radical

Crytek buys Free Radical

Some happy news in these trying financial times, Crytek has completed the buyout of struggling developers Free Radical, saving over 40 jobs in the process.

Crytek are an European company most renowned for graphically impressive titles like FarCry and Crysis which make use of "CryEngine", a gaming engine they developed themselves.

It's still up in the air what will happen to TimeSplitters 4, a Wii version of which was definitely in development before Free Radical fell on hard times.

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Rob Jones

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luwiigi is excited said:

YES! If they decide to finish Timesplitters 4, and it's as great as every other one they've made, along with a freaking sexy engine, I will send the boss guy of Crytek a thank you card.


Diddy Kong Lover said:

Let's hope this is a good investment.

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Nova said:

Cool, but I kind of doubt this really impressive engine (I mean REALLY impressive on PC) will completely spell the same for Wii. Crytek's pc games look even better than current gen console games.

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