Rumor has it that CSI: Hard Evidence will be snooping its way onto the Wii console in September this year.
Hard Evidence is an adventure game and is likely to be a great fit for the Wiimote. It features forensic reconstructions, minigames and atmospheric crime scenes right out of the TV show.
It's under development by Telltale Games (The Sam & Max guys) and will be published by Ubisoft. Previous CSI games have received mixed reviews, if you're an adventure fan this could hold some potential.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Wii Freak said:
Is Ubisoft the only game company that takes chances on crap?
Elementrat said:
That could be really cool if they do stuff like inspecting just right. Like looking around with the Wii-mote to click on evidence that you find. That could be really fun.
stinky12694 said:
Tv to games games suck.
Mr luva luva said:
Csi rocks and I hope they make the game.
Master Foot said:
This has the potential to be really great, but stinky's may be right on this one.
Ekaj185 said:
The Xbox version was OK, I just hope this is better.
DragonFoxCoon said:
I don't know how to react with this one. I love murder mysteries, but licensed games tend to suck.
zanza bunzana said:
I love csi and I hope the game is nice.
kriX said:
Well if it's anything like the PC games, it should be good. Sadly it's pretty much only fun one time through.
csi lover said:
I am so excited. I can't wait. It will be so much fun.
I can't wait, I mean I love CSI and have seen all the ORIGINAL ones over 4 times each. I've played all the games and completed each one twice! I love em especially as the three greatest things in the world are CSI, Wii and of course Bill Petersen (Grissom, CSI).
natasha said:
I recently bought CSI Hard Evidence for the Wii, and the game skips and stutters, I was just wondering if this has happened to anyone else?
PollyAnna said:
My game has also hit a few spots where it skips and stutters, even had it lock up when it was loading. I thought it was my console but none of my other games have done it.
nighthawk said:
Yup. Mine stutters and freezes too. Must be a Ubisoft thing.
malcolm said:
To natasha, I bought CSI for the Wii too and am experiencing the same thing. Talking to Ubisoft support they told me to return the game but the new copy does the same thing. They then proceeded to tell me it's an issue with my Wii and I should contact Nintendo. It's the only game I have issues with so it's highly unlikely it's the hardware. I think I'm stuck with a poorly made game.
natasha said:
We sent our Wii back to Nintendo because of the stutter problem, and it has worked great since we have received it back. No more stutter problems.
Crimson Fang said:
The Wii might need a tweak to play/read it right. It could be the system model (old or new, pretty much), the game, or both.
siobhan said:
Have completed csi now, am looking for a new one.
Loveit said:
I love the show and loved the game. Wonderful! Hope they make more.
REBBY said:
What is the game like? I may buy it because I LOVE CSI the show.
Tan said:
I LOVE the CSI Wii game! I am so addicted. It's giving me a break from the internet. It skips sometimes but not bad.
louise said:
Will there be another one after deadly intent? It was brill, clocked them both so will there be more? And what about a law and order, that would be amazing.