3DS accessories from CTA

3DS accessories from CTA

The new Nintendo 3DS is set to launch next month, and as with most console launches, accessory makers are keen to get in there early with their wares. Among these are CTA Digital, who have a host of peripherals you may or may not want to pick up. Among the most unusual of these is the Leather Pocket.

For the 'old-man gamer' in us all.

Less comical is the CTA 'Hand Grip', which is a curvy plastic mold that fits around the 3DS for a more comfortable holding position like that of a traditional game pad.

They're also doing a "12 in 1" pack, including things like a carrying case, cartridge cases, extra styluses, a USB car adapter and charging cable, etc.

These accessories can be picked up on Amazon and at other retailers.

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Rob Jones

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