Data Design, a UK games developer is porting over thirteen of its previous PS2/PC games onto the Wii. They are:
I'm probably not alone in saying I've never heard of any of these, they're likely to be budget efforts. Half of them will go to retail in Q2 this year, with the rest following later in 2007.
Needless to say, I'm not holding out much hope for this bunch of... games.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Wii Freak said:
I want to get the Ninjabread man. It could be about a ninja who makes a ninja man.
stinky12694 said:
wiiboy101 said:
They all sound like utter rubbish as well, hmm.
Master Foot said:
I can only assume that Ninjabread man is pictured above. Let me guess, the last boss is his evil unbaked twin brother, the Pilsbury doughboy. Coming soon to Wii, NINJABREAD MAN! This time you're TOAST!
WolfKolf said:
I played the Earache Extreme Metal Racing demo on the PC and it was cool. So there is a good chance I will pick it up. Then again I like it most because of the metal soundtrack.
stinky12694 said:
Wow, that's a s**t load of games! Great to see even more developers on Wii.
Crimson Hawk said:
NinjaBread Man how cool!
SeAmNiNjA said:
NOOO this is just going to run Wii into the ground, no one is going to buy this *&$@.
Hey said:
Slice, slash, as fast as you can, you can't kill me, I'm the Ninjabread man!
Wii Freak said:
LOL Master Foot!
wiiman said:
Wiiboy101 you sound like Simon Cowell. Give these games a chance. They might actually be fun to play and also some of these games look kind of funny.
itstimetoplaydawii said:
Yeah, it sounds like they all suck.
Unknown said:
I hope these games will only come out in Europe.
asparaWIIgus said:
Ninjabread man is pure sweetness, but other than that the games look all rubbishy.
Ekaj185 said:
I want to play ninjabread man. Hey wait, that kind of sounds like gingerbread man!
Wii Freak said:
No duh Ekaj185.
Koen van Beeck said:
1, no. 2, no. 3, no. 4, no. 5, no. 6, no. 7, no. 8, no. 9, no. 10, no. 11, uhm.. I'll have to see what kind of game it becomes. 12, no. And 13... no!
Master Foot said:
Gingerbread, ninjabread! I get it now! This game better be kickass.
soulbreather said:
Don't buy any of them! A magazine I read gave them all lower than 30%, an average game gets 70-80. The wizard, ninja and earache are the worst, hear me out, don't buy them.
Elementrat said:
Yes, I agree with everyone. These all look like rubbish. Wii doesn't need have a$$ed ports of PS2 titles. They are just in it for the quick buck.
Gonzo said:
I don't think I'm buying any of those. They probably suck.
i need a wiieww said:
They all sound terrible, but in europe I saw 'crazy frog racer' I and II and there was 'James Pond', you play as an agent/fish. They are all terrible (guess they are) and stupid.
KBL said:
I have played Ninjabread man and played Anubis 2, it's the same game but with different graphics. They just change a few things and call it a different game.
Tommy The Wii Man said:
I heard these were AWFUL games.
dude said:
Enough ps2 ports! Ps2 is getting old and we need NEW games! Not rehashed ps2 crap with a few motion controls. These developers need to realize Wii is not a weak system. It's much stronger than ps2. Developers need to kick into action. These games sucked.
I like wii said:
You know almost every game made by Data Design sucked. They should quit.