Fans of the upcoming Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (do they have to make the damn titles so long) will be happy to know some new characters are on their way. So far these two have been announced:
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acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
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seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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User comments
wii master said:
I never thought there would be a third game so quick.
Crimson Hawk said:
Are you serious!? That short Babidi is a character?
Name123 said:
Babidi will be the ultimate weapon against all the tall characters.
Hey said:
Spopovitch reminds me of the coach of the San Antonio Spurs.
Orez said:
Who's Spopovitch?
Epsilon said:
Wow, now they're just going to throw in everyone who even just made a short appearance.
dt said:
Spopovitch is babidi's henchman who got destroyed by babidi.
BrothaZ said:
Spoopovitch is from the World Tournament, a pathetic assistant of Babidi. How will you play with a mix of Yoda and a llama I wonder?
ss3 vegeta said:
I hope yamu who is spopoviche's partner is on there.
Mike said:
They also announced Nail, King Vegeta and King cold. This is game is going to own. I hope we can make our own characters.
bardock said:
Fasha will be in and she has made a shorter appearance.
Bibibi Babibi Buu said:
Babibi is awesome, he has yakon and pui pui as attacks, he's going to be awesome, love yakon! WOOT.
carlos said:
Cool I can't wait for dbzbt3.
gohan ssj4 said:
This going to be one of the best dbz games ever.
teen goku said:
They should make a character which is teen goku from the final saga of dragonball. Also when a character gets hit by a power beam their armor, clothes, skin etc should get damaged each time. Another thing they should put in this game is a better 1 player mode. E.g for namek saga play as goku having to escape from namek before it blows up. If these were put in then dragonball z tenkaichi 3 would be the best fighting game ever made.
sexay surfer said:
I think babidi will be one of the strong characters.
dragon ball af said:
I wonder if they're going to put in them weird fusions from dbz b2?
Grinsekatze said:
I'm thinking some kind of story-mode for each character would be cool.
teen goku said:
Oh my god, there is a dragonball story mode. Also you get to make your very own Z FIGHTER! How cool is that.
supreme gohan said:
If they put nova shenron in it I'll pay $500 for it. Oh and the create a character thing, you can take attacks from other people and put them and choose a voice from other characters.
DB said:
I Hope it has more krieza servants than Cui Zarbon Dodoria.
goku ss4 said:
I know dragon ball z budokai tenkachi 3, you can make goku wear yardrat uniform. There is future gohan and GT Goku base and more cool characters that never appeared in tenkaichi 1 and 2.
novashenron1 said:
They have like all the characters you missed in the earlier tenkaichi games. Even nova shenron himself.
goku 22j 25 said:
It is confirmed that future gohan, normal and ssj 1 is in the game. Also gt kid goku, normal ssj 1 and 3.
Blade said:
Well it's confirmed that they'll have 6-7 of the 8 dragons. They won't have the first one they fought and they're debating on the Bird like one. But they'll have GT Goku where they're saying if they do make Super saiyan drain energy again SSJ3 will have a drain 4x as fast when he's a kid. They'll have paragus and Hildegarn bottom/upper complete and Ultimate (the Yellow version of Hirudegarn which is who hildegarn is). Complete is Hirudegarn in BT2 except it looks like he's in a brown cocoon and he's a lot weaker. They're also debating whether Mirai Gohan will have both arms or if they will have his right one missing.
don said:
After playing all the dbz/dbz bt games, I personally think they should extend the fmv of the transformations and allow more options for fusion (even as a side quest).
goku jr said:
It's going to be the sweetest game ever, it'll totally own.
Laco said:
Well it's confirmed GT kid goku has made the cut, he is going to rule and they have finally made a costume for broly where he is free from the device that controls him. I hope paragus is in BT3 and I hope that they add that guy from the lost movie, that would be ace.
dbz master said:
Spopovich is the bald one who beats videl in the world tournament saga (controlled by babidi).
dragon ball af said:
Does anyone know who spike the devil man is, because he is in the game.
omega said:
The only thing that I want to see is when you do an ultimate move and it kills your opponent, that he is turned to dust. Just like we all have seen on the show.
Jared Engh said:
Spike the devil man is like some demon guy that can blow people up by exploiting the evil in their hearts sort of like babidi.
shad said:
They should have 7 shenron dragons.
dragon ball af said:
Yes, I've been wondering when they were going to put in general blue.
son uzumakinara said:
I believe bt3 will be my favorite game of all no matter who says what.
ssj4 gotenks said:
I hope they make the arenas bigger, in the previous 2 games I thought the arenas were a little too small. I also heard they got little chi-chi from when she was a kid with her fan and all. This should be one hell of a game.
sasukegaruto said:
This WILL be the best of tenkaichi series also the last. I've found more characters than babidi and sopopovitch. Yamu has made appearance, young goku [teen], yakon and puipui made appearances, king vegeta, a few of piccolo's children, dr wheelo, serpia, and that's all I'm putting for characters. There's supposed to be 30 areas, newer techs for bt2s characters, a fusion disk system to bring tenkaichi1s ultimate. Ah crap a stupid spider just bit me. Ultimate battle. The story is also like a tree depending on what happens in battle could lead to other arcs. Wifi battles will be fun as long as my Wii will cooperate. There's also new skills like teleporting blasts. A new engine has been put for super graphic cut scenes. Also is the story battles switching to ally is performed automatically and little scenes like characters communicating.
looney saiyon said:
To make this game even better than it sounds you should make a fusion between videl and pan. A super finishing move could be soaring kamehahmeha.
joe of america said:
This game is good.
yo man said:
I can't wait to see if Android 13 has any new moves, his moves in tenkaichi 2 were awful.
yo man said:
It would be so cool if you could fuse any characters together. I wonder what it would look like with broly and cell fused together.
Ace said:
I hope this game has longer story modes. On the last one the stories were too short, because most of the characters from that story wasn't on there. So, I hope they can improve that. Also allow Goku to raise his ki on Kaio Ken. Kaio Ken sucked on the last one.
goku said:
Babidi is going to beat all of those losers who are tall, they ain't good anyway.
kakorot said:
This game is going to be beastly. I'm just going to have m vegeta blow himself up over and over. That's so much fun.
garlic sr said:
That would be cool if they made up a new "what-if" saga after killing Syn Shenron and throw in some new "what-if" characters, such as if Majin Buu absorbed Cell, if Goku and Vegeta formed SS5 Gogeta, or if they gave Pan the ability to become Super Saiyan. Or what about a new villain who's more powerful than both SS4 Gogeta and Omega Shenron combined? I'm also glad that they added Nova Shenron on there because I'm been waiting to try him out and see if he's any good.
garlic sr said:
Also, you actually get to fight on Frieza's spaceship! I hope you can blow it up.
KEN said:
I hope that the victory poses are better.
tugboat said:
Dbzbt3 should be more gory, more realistic like the damage done to the clothes when blasted or hit for example. Every db/dbz/dbgt character that played even the smallest part should be playable, this game needs to be the sickest best dbz game.
tugboat said:
There should be a better 2 player mode like 2 player teams.
Bardock said:
This game does seriously own. However, the story mode kind of sucks. The style of it is good, but the length is crap. They missed out major battles, like Gotenks vs Buu and Gohan vs Buu to name examples. Apart from that, amazing.
ssjgohan said:
On dbz bt3 if androids suck the energies of super saiyan 1, 2, and 3 can they turn back to normal? (example, if android 19 uses his ultimate move that steals energy to ssj goku).
ahmad said:
I hope they have vegeta gt in this game.
broly1009 said:
The game is good but there should be a feature where you fly around like in dragon universe in dbz budokai 3.
Crimson Red Dragon said:
I have the dbz bt3 game and it's awesome.