Some details about the upcoming DBZ game Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3.
That's a... lot of characters?
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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User comments
Crimson Hawk said:
That IS a LOT of characters.
Hey said:
As much as I'd like to say this series is dead. 90 characters, w00t!
Name123 said:
Captain Jamesman said:
Didn't the last game have over 100 Characters?
stunt 101 said:
Where the hell is wi-fi?
Jskrdude said:
Hmmm, that's a lot. I never played dbz games, but I might just have to try this game. 90 characters. It'll either be cool or confusing with characters that are clones of each other.
Master Foot said:
Holy crapdoodlemongers! That is a load of characters, but there has to be at least one carbon copy in there.
wiimaster said:
Nice enhancement.
Zendalf said:
Wow, I didn't even know there were 90 characters. Well I guess maybe they included characters from DB and the other series.
Pandawan said:
If it's like the previous game then they include transformations as different characters. Ie- Goku, SSJ Goku, SSJ2 Goku etc are all different characters. So roughly 10 characters would just be Goku and Vegeta alone, just in different stages of super saiyan.
jabz said:
Hope spice boys are on.
ganondorfrules said:
Does this mean they will speak japanese instead of english? Would someone mind telling me if they do speak english on tenkaichi 2 on the Wii?
Crimson Hawk said:
Who's Spice Boys?!
Jabz said:
Garlic junior's henchmen, they appear after the freiza saga after the freiza saga.
Ownage Elite said:
Spice Boys are the minions and bodygaurds of Garlic Jr.
Green Yoshi said:
You are allowed to choose if you want the characters to speak Japanese or not, but it does start out in English. They do speak in english on tenkaichi 2 for Wii.
the-godfather said:
There are at least 3 new known characters in it. Nail - the namek that fused with piccolo on namek. King cold - the father of frieza and cooler. King vegeta - father of... you guessed it: vegeta.
Bardock said:
I am looking forward to this new game already. No doubt improvements have been made from BT2, but one major aspect to improve upon is the music. I know there are those who like the Japanese music but I have to agree with the other half who prefer Bruce Falconer's music. The sound is as important, if not, more important than the visuals. The American soundtrack has a lot of themes for characters and locations as well as a variety of calm and fast-paced action tracks. I'm glad they're getting as many characters as they can. The same goes for the stages- the more the merrier. If the stages are more destructible, the better the fight is. I can also see where some techniques could be improved upon like Daboura's spit attack that turns you to stone and Gotenks super ghost kamikaze attack could be used to a much larger magnitude. One thing that would truly satisfy me would be to see Tien and Piccolo and Cell (and others) use the Multi-form technique (split into 4 people). Another would be the solar flare and Piccolo and Cell's regeneration and Afterimage and Instant Transmission. One final task would be to have 2 weaker characters versus one stronger opponent simultaneously and switching between them in battle rather than taking turns. These are my opinions and my suggestions. Thank you for taking the time to read.
word said:
Improved graphics, especially the characters (they looked like idiots, something that a ten year old would attempt to draw during class), enhanced fighting moves (moves are so repetitive, any characters you chose can do the same move), rock music that'll get your adrenaline flowing or music from the series (not the kiddy music we heard from previous releases). Finally the special attacks, not only it was limited to 3 and some aren't even worth using (either getting your ass kicked trying to or that you've won or the time expires). Classic example would be goku's spirit bomb (everything was half assed). SPIKE better read this comment (yep they're using spike again as the engine). Give us fans what we truly want.
Avi DBZ MASTER said:
Man I can't wait.
DBZ FAN #1 said:
I'm looking forward to the new dbz game. I own most of them, any time I hear a new one coming out I jump online to find out more about it. I have three improvements they need to make: 1) Have kid goku that can go to ss1, ss2 and ss3. 2) I would like the world tournament stage to be like super dbz where you can touch the ground and not lose. 3) I would want the weak people like Hurcule to be able to fly. Well those are my improvements, I hope I see them in the game. I'm undefeatable in DBZ Tenkaichi 2.
q said:
DBZ is the best, it's the best cartoon show and video game ever. I hope they produce more DBZ games every year and every new game be better than the older ones.
gdog 662 said:
Does anyone know if you can play as the black star dragons from GT?
Sonic Fan said:
Maybe the Spice Boys will go out with the Spice Girls.
Orez said:
That's unlikely, They're WAY too big.
Lord Zarbon said:
Other than the additions and upgrades that have already been mentioned, there are lots of things that need to be included on BT3. Fighting arenas should be big enough that you don't even have to worry about running into the walls while in a fight. The smaller stages take away from the battle. Also, certain moves are repeated between characters too often. Several characters have the exact same rushing attacks and that just takes away from character individuality. Furthermore, some characters don't have unique moves that are designed for that specific character. For example, Raditz has a generic barrage type blast, a rushing attack, and an energy wave. What ever happened to his moves like Saturday Crush and Double Sunday. If characters' moves aren't beefed up that would be a shame. Another thing. More costumes. Just include pretty much any costume that any fan has seen and everyone will satisfied. Transformations are great but Goku's transformations aren't anything to write home about. His base, ss1, and ss2 forms all have pretty much the same moves (a combination of kamehamehas, super kamehamehas, and rushing attacks). For the most popular character in the DB world you would think they could get a little more creative than that. There are another five million things I think they should include, but I'll close with this: they really need to add a create/modify characters option. Where you could not only create your own characters from a list of species, outfits, moves, etc. But also be able to modify existing characters. Like I know they would never add a SSJ Bardock transformation, but if you had a create-a-character feature then you could modify and add transformations to characters however you want. Just some thoughts.
skateboarder455 said:
Man I'm so excited. I'm hoping they have some more fantasy fusions like off of budokai (gokule and tiencha). Also I hope you can play as like yamu and spokovich (or however you say it) and babidi and maybe bibidi. Another thing that would be tight is if you could be every black-star dragon from dbgt and you could be bio-broly, maybe even could be a super saiyan 5 goku or something exciting like that. Anyway I hope it's good.
joe said:
Man I hope they put in turles again. He's my favorite dbz bad guy! And they should put bardocks crew in it too. I always wanted to see what celipa would fight like.
carlos said:
I hope they have kid goku from dbgt and he could go ssj 1 2 & 3. Also goku jr and vegeta jr and they could like fuse to make gogeta jr. If you could make your own characters that would be cool too.
king piccolo said:
I think that they should include a create a power up mode. Example: when vegeta or so power ups you should choose whether the ground shakes different aura colors and muscle gain and clothes ripping and explosions and things like that. Or when they transform have the option of designing how they power up, the type camera angles around them, put electric around them and things like that. Be awesome if that was in it.
jd said:
I think some of the alien race should have their natural abilities like namekians, cell, and buus should just have the ability to regenerate, no z item needed. Saiyans when on the last life bar get a big speed, power and defense boost. Broly's eraser cannon should be changed back to blaster shell from budokai 3.
Adrenaline said:
Spopovich and Babidi are new characters. So I guess Yakon, Pui Pui, Yamu will also be there. Just a note to you all, BT2 had 70 different characters, 130 with the transformations. So this game has 90 & 150 or maybe 160 when it's all said and done. There should be more if they want to include every guy who has an impact from DB to DBGT. They need the Shadow Dragons, Generals from DB, other guys from DB like King Piccolo's henchmen, Android 8 & Ninja Murasaki. Also Frieza's henchmen or at least one example.
Frieza said:
Will they have every single evil dragon?
greeny said:
After buying every game of DBZ I've been hoping you'd be able to create your own characters from scratch, and have the ability to make them Saiyan, Namekian, etc. So they can have the right powers, and if you could make your own planet with for your made species and make them transformations like, if a saiyan goes SSJ their hair goes gold so if you could make your transformations so they gained extra arms so they can have like 4 arms and totally beat the shit out of people etc. They should also have a fantasy mode where in the saiyan saga Raditz survives and returns to Earth with Nappa and Vegeta so Raditz can fuse with Nappa, that'd be a cool transformation, or Cell could fuse with Frieza or Buu in HTFL and break the barrier like Janemba did, then Gotenks would fuse with Gogeta and go Gogetenks SSJ4 to beat him! This is for the suggested "Fantasy mode" so don't go jumping on me saying "you asshole, that will never happen you ass" because that's why it could be in a "fantasy mode".
Vegeta said:
This game looks sick except I would like for you to be able to go super saiyan 5 and stuff like that, and to be able to make your own characters. Also to have more what if sagas, like king vegeta gets really angry with freiza and turns into a super saiyan. Stuff like that and to be able to fuse anybody with anyone.
shad john said:
I agree with greeny and vegeta as all the gohans fused together would be so tight.
SS5 Goku said:
I can't wait for the game to come out.
man said:
Is pui pui a playable character anyone.
ssjbroly5 said:
They should have more than 20 new characters including all of the androids, all evil dragons, and more characters from dragonball.
swtgingy6 said:
I think they should have tag teams in the game like naruto3 they should join in on the beatdown and a longer story mode.
man said:
Why isn't yamu in the game.
ssj10vegeta said:
Other new characters should include coolers armored squad, all androids, all characters from the lord slug movie, tree of might, garlick jr., the metal robots from the return of cooler movie. Also more different suits and forms for all of the characters.
to said:
Is this the final game?
r22 said:
I love dbz ever since I was a kid.
ssj2 trunks said:
One of the absences that struck me as really odd was that of Androids 14 & 15. I mean, they went through the trouble of putting that movie into the storyline and creating 13, but they couldn't be bothered to add in the other two, and instead put in the text bar "vegeta and trunks killed 14&15". I thought that was really dumb. Also, I would like more of Bardock's crew like someone said, seeing a girl warrior sayian could be cool. Also, do something about how on every other goddamn level you would fight and defeat someone only to have a cutscene tell you that you got your ass beat. Some continuity would be nice. Like those dam levels where you were Hercule and Krillin or 18 was supposed to let you win but you still had to fight them.
sal said:
Uhhh yeah dragonball z budokai tenkaichi 2 had 120 characters. That would be a huge rip-off if there's 90 characters. This game should have all the fighting characters possible. All from db, dbz and dbgt. I'm not going to buy if there's just 90 characters.
goku1-4 said:
You know what would be really cool, if bt3 had all the characters from db to dbgt and maybe put a longer storyline in it.
Naked Bulma said:
I cannot wait for the game to come out, but still I have one question for you. Will I be able to create my own custom character? I mean to choose your own clothing etc. Will it be possible to do that in the game?
the champ said:
Goku and Vegeta should be able to transform like this: they should transform first into ss1, ss2, for Goku ss3, and then to the golden ape, then to ss4 during the battle. In Budokai tenkaichi 1 we had to pick them already in ss1, ss2, ss3, or in ss4 before the battle but we couldn't transform during the battle. But in budokai tenkaichi 2 some characters could transform into other super saiyans during the battle but not to ss4, we had to pick them already in ss4.
master of disaster said:
All the characters should bust the max power combos like in budokai tenkaichi 2.
Anonimo said:
They have to put 2 vs 1 or vs 2 at the same time, a example of that can be goku, piccolo vs Raditz and a combo attack when goku take raditz and piccolo shoot the makansosanpo.
Torcher100 said:
Listen everyone, Tenkaichi 2 had about 70 characters and it said that there were over 120 because of the transformations. In the tenkaichi series, the transformations are counted as characters. So tenkaichi 3 has 90 characters with about 60 transformations. So in total, there are between 150-160 characters in tenkaichi 3.
srecko said:
Is this the last game? If it is they should put everything we want in it. I hope you can make your own battlefield, just like fantasy mode one of you mentioned.
Son Goku said:
SSJ 5 is not real. It's from DBAF (April fool's Dragonball).
joe said:
Just got word! Bardock's sister celips is in the game. But she's the only one from bardock's crew that will be in.
Glucku said:
I juss thought I'd come up with a cool name like everyone else, but anyway. I believe this game is going to be pretty great. It may even need a little tweaking here and there. Like one, Pui Pui and Yakon should be playable and not usable toys by Babadi. I read someone say the stages should be bigger and hopefully they are. I also agree that some Bruce Falconer music (orignal dbz american soundtrack) should be put in the game. Maybe even some pretty crazy rock music, like in some of the movies. Setting your own life bar would be nice too like in budokai because it's kind of weird how Nappa can have so much life and vegeta and goku get stuck with like 3 or 4. The choosing your own music was nice so I think that should stay. Oh did anyone else think it was weird how hercule could have a jetpack and still fall? Oh the one thing I have been wanting is happening, and that is broly as a super saiyan, not with blue hair but the nice golden hair. Some people have mentioned that there should be a character creation, and that would be pretty awesome. I think it may work better for an mmo though. The multiple people that can be chosen for battle I think should stay because it's pretty awesome. Multiple people fighting at the same time would be kind of fun but a little confusing. What also might be pretty awesome is if the made up stuff like raditz, nappa and turles great ape forms, the made up fusions from budokai 2 would be in it as well, along with super saiyan bardok and raditz and whatnot. Well thanks for reading my ramble.
Adrenaline said:
Fasha, Yamu, & Pui Pui are in the game according to some new deep rumors. There are more to come. Fasha was Bardock's henchgirl. Do you realize if they allow us to make characters like we can in Sports games, we could make anyone and everyone as long as they have the available space? That will decide whether the game is good or not, they need create-a-fighter.
Ice said:
Please let there be the ice and fire black star dragons in the game.
Phill said:
Will there be ss5 or ss6 characters on dbzbt3?
lickwid said:
SS5? Phill I'm sorry, but you have fallen to gullibilities. There is no such thing.
to said:
I really hope that they put all the spice boys.
Goshin said:
They do have GT kid goku, I just found out.
undefeated master said:
There should be all characters from all 3 stories db, dbz and dbgt but I think there should be a fake storyline in which you can unlock fake fusions and fake transformations. There should also be a make your own character option, even if you have to complete all other parts of the game first. I do agree that there should be battles in which you can have two or more characters on one or more characters at the same time. I know it would be odd but if you could play as characters such as bulma or chichi I think that would be great.
swtgingy6 said:
I think there should be a very long story mode. I wonder how are we going to play as all the shenron dragons.
Ryu said:
This game's going to make a big hit.
salza said:
They should make a new storyline called son of cooler.
klo said:
Atari if you are reading this, please put yamu, pui pui, yakon and all the spiceboys in the game. If you put them in the game you would be making a lot of dbz fans happy.
juh said:
Hey atari would you add some 5 new evil saiyans we have never seen before with their own storyline saga?
jordan 23 said:
Well tenkaichi 3 seems like it's going to be a hit, like most dbz budokai games. But bt2 had more characters and bt3 says 40 hours so you can beat the whole game within 3-4 days, unlike tenkaichi 2.
just blazes said:
This game is going to rock.
Zei said:
One of the big problems with 2 was the fact that when you were thrown, you had to spam a button to get out of it (instead of the traditional button sequence). I hope that gets changed. Rumor has it, this game will be online compatible, meaning you will be able to Vs others around the world.
Dragon Ninga said:
They need all the characters that have made an appearance in the show. Good ones like the para para brothers, nova, shenron and gt goku.
king of kings said:
I agree with Anonimo and when they also fight together they should do a double special. For example like jeice and burter do purple spiral attack and when goku and vegeta blast together at majin buu.
mvp said:
Why is the date so long. I can't wait that long.
master said:
Why the hell is it only 40 hours of gameplay? It should more than 40 hours, it should be only unlimited hours of gameplay.
vegeta said:
When majin vegeta does the final explosion he will grow a flaming ball around himself right.
guy said:
Can you use a game cube controller on this game?
kid goku said:
Make up some new characters, about 10 (5 in good, 5 in bad) and have all of them in one saga (and a few more sagas) called destruction of Goku. What should happen is that all of the good side go to war with the bad side.
tick tock said:
Yo! Atari I am tired of waiting for new characters, when is the next one coming?
ssj Goku said:
News just in, it seems that they have made an improvement in the adventure mode. It is now called dragon history, if you win a match instead of being told you were beaten you will win and actually change the storyline. I am so psyched for this game and I hope there is a create a fighter, but so far it appears not.
ultimate raditz said:
All I want to say is thank you lord zarbon for your statement about the characters legit moves. Especially raditz, he is one of my favorite characters and he got ripped off in the tenkaichi series thus far, so hopefully that will improve in tenkaichi 3. Otherwise it still looks like a good game.
Glucku said:
Hopefully they fixed captain ginyu. They ruined his body switch in the last one.
Son Goku said:
There will be 161 characters, not 150.
Gohan14 said:
I Think they should put a Creating A Character Feature! That would be awesome. Also get rid of always floating, that's just dumb. Oh bigger and more arenas, better story would be good too.
chassymodo said:
Is GT kid goku in this one?
Bryant Bradby said:
Pretty much all the opinions that I wanted to get out on here was already thought of. But I was wondering, is Nuova Shenron going to have both forms, or just come in his final form like Janembe and Broly did in Tenkaichi 1?
Nihilion said:
Create a character would be awesome. Now for my real point in posting, Dragonball Af, fake as it is, has some bitchin' ideas. Use some of those for fantasy story lines and make some new Saiyans, bad and good. Like make Goku go evil, or let's get SSJ4 Broly in there, or so many other possibilities from a fake. And yes, I agree with the double special attack when you're teaming up. Goku shooting a Kamehameha Wave while Vegeta fires his Galick Gun at the same time. Oh, you know someones running for cover.
cell said:
Kenshin said:
All 7 evil dragons are in it.
notsoevilshenron said:
I wish that they could have create a character type thing using stuff from the characters, that would be cool.
broly cant die said:
If it's anything like the previous, the characters won't be copies but some moves will. Android 13 and Grandpa Gohan shouldn't have the same move.
broly rules said:
Pantera did the music for the Broly movies as well as Spongebob's Hibernation episode. Broly is the most bad ass of all and there should be better music.
KillerSteel said:
Just to tell you all, I have the game and none of the characters I have used (and I've used them ALL!) are clones. Well with a few exceptions, like Frieza and Cooler, they're basically the same, with a few differences. Hell, Cooler looks like a freaking Frieza recolor with a different voice actor. The moves are nearly the same (except Supernove and Darkness Eye beam), but that's the only resemblance you can make mostly. Unless you want to get REALLY technical, then I guess you could say Videl and Spopovich are completely the same. Other than that, complete diversity between all the characters.
gaz said:
Do you need to start the fights in super sayain mode or can you transform in the middle of the fight?
dingdong said:
So how DO we change the audio to japanese?
goku said:
In new game their should be a move that slaps kamahamaha away and there should be holes when a blast hits the ground.