The next game in the DBZ series Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 has been announced for Wii. Some new characters will include:
The previous game received mixed reviews, between mediocre and very good. Personally, I haven't played it.
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User comments
jason said:
Another load of crap.
Halski said:
The last one was amazing. Didn't expect it to be, but I'm really enjoying it.
Yoshi-1up said:
Great! Now we can go SS1 to SS2 to SS3 to SS4! WOO. It's fun doing the energy waves with the wiimote and nunchuck.
Scooby Jew said:
DBZ has sucked since the 90's. I have no confidence in this show now. It's going down the Power Ranger's path in my opinion.
Amazon Kevin said:
Woo. I guess. I don't hate. I loved DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 2, it's just... another one?
Elementrat said:
Whoah! It's Power Level is over 6000! There seems to be a LOT of dispute as to the quality of Budokai Tenkaichi 2 on Wii. I read from one review that it was a great refreshment for the DBZ franchise and it was exactly what Wii needed, but from other reviewers, they say it's a mediocre fighting game with crap for controls. What do you guys think? Did you like it? I've never actually played it either but it looked alright from what I could see.
Name123 said:
This one can't have split screen or crapped up controls or I'm not buying it. But finally, KING COLD.
me said:
The people who think its controls are crappy probably just suck at it. Personally I love the large variety of characters and moves, especially chocolate beam.
jj said:
The Wii version was highly addictive. Definitely a steep learning curve which is why it probably got such mixed reviews, but my roommate and I were hooked on it for a good two months and I can still pick it up and get lost for a few hours.
Avi (DBZ MASTER) said:
DBZ Rulez and the games will just abolish you. Tenkaichi 3 The perfect Dragonball z game for fans.
Shiggysham said:
Tenkaichi 2 is pretty amazing. The Wii has awesome controls and it makes the game much more addictive. It does take some time to get used to them, but after about 3 days it's just like playing on an old style controller.
lamar said:
I like the split screen.
Lamar wimbush said:
Tenkaichi 2 is pretty amazing. And I betcha tenkaichi 3 will be the best one of them all. I am one of the biggest fans. You got to love the split screen.
jabz said:
Hope spice boys are on this game, and dr Wheelo. Last time they did the garlic jr saga it was incredibly quick, they should include the makio star as well during battle.
Kazim said:
"Name123" you seem to be bad at playing if you think that the controls are bad. Myself and very many others would say that the controls pwn.
Agent Smiley said:
The controls are awesome. I do think though that I didn't get a true feel for the story because they rushed 80% of it just to get the game to sell. I'm hoping that the majority of the chapters will be expanded.
Ryan said:
And you get to be king cold, bibati, pui pui & yakon.
stormx said:
Yah I can't wait.
N1GG3R07 said:
They should put some of the old specials in tenkaichi 3 like kid's buu's warp kamehameha.
Ace said:
Tenkaichi 3 should have: Bardocks saiyan friends, Bojack's four henchmen, the armored squad, Garlic Junior's henchmen, Broly's father Paragas, Androids 14 and 15, Teen Goten, GT Trunks, Yardrat, Turles henchmen and the sagas about the two new DBZ dvds coming out.
dbz fan said:
Hope the story will be more realistic than the second one.
gtp said:
They just added dr Wheelo and tambourine.
Super dbz fan said:
I expect the dbz bt 3 the best fight game ever.
chris said:
I think the tenkaichi games are great, they offer much more space to move around. No more side crap.
chris said:
The disappointing thing about the first tenkaichi is the story mode stunk. They never talked as much like they did on budokai 1.
Bert said:
Dbz budokai tenkaichi 2 was amazing! It is really hard to know how to play at first, but after a while it all comes out natural. I would love to buy part 3.