Another Pokemon shown on the official Smash Bros Brawl update today, it's Deoxys. Like others, he springs from a Pokeball when used by a player.
He won't fit in many pockets.
Space. It's big and it's clever.
Hyper Beam gon' zap yo azz off.
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acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
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User comments
Rygar said:
Many fans were hoping to see Deoxys replace Mewtwo as a playable character. Too bad for them. I wonder though, doesn't Deoxys have several forms? Will it shift into those forms?
Name123 said:
I myself wanted an attack for each form, so that he summons one technique when you pick him.
smash fan x said:
Cool but I was hoping deoxys would be playble.
Scooby Jew said:
I heard a lot controversy was swarming around about Deoxys being a playable Brawl character. So, if that's true, a lot of Deoxys fans got let down, and that's funny. Made me laugh.
Master Foot said:
Pikachu knows a Hyperbeam when he sees one. By the way, those are some sweet looking effects around Deoxys! Sorry pokemaniacs, but Destiny Deoxys was cheesy.
Elementrat said:
Personally, I don't care which pokemon are in it. As long as they are in, it doesn't matter. I'm sure Sakurai will make the right choices. Don't get me wrong I've always been a huge fan of the games and at one point in my life I was a pokemaniac (haven't we all?). I just don't care which pokemon are in. I would rather hear about say... online play?
eric ♥ wii said:
Wow. Not a very extravagant update, but it is something.
pichu fan said:
I was really hoping he would be a character, but oh well. I hope kyogre would be in a pokeball.
Pescador Gama said:
This confirm the false rumor of changing Mewtwo for Deoxys, or just the rumor that said you could play with him.
Crimson Hawk said:
Why can't he be a character, not in a Pokeball? Does anyone know of other cool Pokemon that would make great characters, like Lucario? By the way, Deoxys looks awesome.
super smash master said:
That's cool, I really want deoxys on brawl and you can tell that pikachu sent it out.
Fishmon said:
Guess that means he's not a playable character now. Dangit. Oh well. That's still pretty cool.
SSB4LIFE said:
Awesome. Deoxys will have a part in a lot of strategies. Got to love hyper beam. Deoxys is my second second to favorite pokemon, my favorite being Grovyle. This time in Smash Bros, the drawings look perfect and the animation seems flawless. I can't wait to play this. Deoxys Rules (but not as much as Grovyle).
DragonFoxCoon said:
If my Smash logic is still all there, Deoxys could pop out of a Pokeball in any one of its four forms. That one there was its attack form, so it fired a Hyper Beam. Now for some speculation: if its speed form showed up, it could do a light-speed slash at the nearest player. If it was defense, it could provide the user a protective shield for a short time; I'm not too sure what the normal form would do. But still, no Deoxys as a playable character. Oh ho-hum. It may not sound like it, from my detailed logic-ish reasoning of Deoxys' four forms in Smash, but I'm not much of a Pokeperson. I'd rather play as Lucario anyway, it's the only one that really counts for me.
smash fan x said:
I agree lucario would be fun and the Mr X rumor said lucario would be playable. If you haven't read it, type brawl rumor in the search bar on the left.
Master Foot said:
Blaziken is my personal pick for another playable pokemon. Sakurai's updates are getting quite boring now. There's nothing really NEW to sink your teeth into. Throw us a bone here! There aren't even any other possible 3rd party characters that MAY be in Brawl.
Garth said:
DragonFoxcoon, they showed his normal form. The form you thought was his speed form is his attack form.
Hey said:
I think Bidoof would totally own all other pokeball pokemon.
Dave Falcon said:
I hope lucario gets in the pokeball too, no more playable pokemon. Unless they can pull off combos and impress non-poke people.
Nickhead said:
Why can't he be a locked player or boss?
Sonic Phantom said:
Now this is sort of OT but I want to say it. I use to be a Pokemon back in the day. And my favorite Pokemon of all time was Charizard. He still is. I highly doubt he'll be playable, but I know he'll be in a Pokeball.
Crimson Hawk said:
Oh my god, Master Foot. You like Blaziken too? He's my FAVORITE pokemon, he would make a awesome playable character, but I know that it would be impossible.
KOOL-AID said:
Personally the only Pokemon character I want to be playable is Pikachu (maybe Lucario or Mewtwo) but that is it, nothing else. I mean I rather have all the Pokemon in Pokeballs (except for Pika).
Gonzo said:
That's mad hot! He's one of the best Pokemon. What about Jirachi?
JJ said:
THIS is his attack form. "I think Bidoof would totally own all other pokeball pokemon". Amen, that or Magikarp.
insultman911 said:
People actually thought that deoxys was playable. They thought the down be move would change forms.
madshadow said:
And you can use groudon, how sweet is that, sweeter than deoxys.
master mario said:
I think it's cool that you get deoxys because of that hyper beam.
LineMaster/Rider said:
I kind of want luxray as a playable. He's one of the best on pearl/diamond, and he's easy to evolve. I think it would be cool to have a cat like creature that pwns. Pikachu is a wuss.
Pikamaster said:
Pikachu is not a wuss! Anyway has anyone considered the regis (Regirock, Registeel, Regice, Regigigas)?
Whispering Wind said:
They need to add Lucario! Bun the regis lol.
pichu fan said:
How can you personally choose deoxys to replace mewtwo, hello? Mewtwo is the strongest Pokemon ever.
davyt 0247 said:
It just stays in this form.
legendary said:
I think all of the legendary pokemon ROCK.