Disney buys out Marvel

Disney buys out Marvel

In what could be considered a shock move, the Disney corporation has bought Marvel in a deal worth an estimated $4 billion USD.

The buyout means that Disney will have total control over all of Marvel's superheroes, including the likes of Spider-Man and the Fantastic Four. Lowell Singer, Disney's senior VP of investor relations spoke:

"On the video game front, Marvel has some smart licensing agreements with some of the best manufacturers in the business. While we've been steadily moving in the direction of video game integration, we don't rule out the blend of licensing and self-produced and distributed video games. As these licensing deals expire we have the luxury of considering what's best for the company and the products".

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Rob Jones

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Captain Jamesman said:

What else is new?


YoshLee said:

Does this mean if we get another Marvel Vs Capcom arcade game it will be called Disney Vs Capcom? Maybe someone from KH will show up.

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Nova said:

I don't think so. If Disney wanted to make a Disney vs Capcom they already would have done that. (Blank) vs Capcom isn't limited to Marvel alone, just look at Tatsunoko vs Capcom.


Superdodo said:

How much I hate disney.

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Lay-Z Boy said:

Just watch, one day they will be WARNER BROS.


Wind Penguin Kid said:

The world as we know it is over! Disney has made my list.


Darunia said:

Wow. Kingdom hearts with superheroes anyone? I'd prefer Nintendo kingdom hearts though, it'd be so much cooler.


Wii Cloud said:

Sora's partners will be SpiderMan, Wolverine, and the Hulk XD.


Parvin said:

Please say they won't do this with the movies. Buying it out for games was the stupidest idea in the world in my opinion.

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