First off some bad news. That rumor posted yesterday about Super Smash Bros Brawl being delayed until March 9th turns out to be true. Says so right on the official Dojo's shiny face. As far as I can make out, the Japanese release date is now January 31st.
More uplifting though, is Captain Olimar's home stage: Distant Planet. Done in a similar style to a level you might see in Pikmin, it's a grassy area with hidden dangers. Torrential rain can occur at any time, and a Bulborb is ready to swallow you without batting an eyelid.
Pellets and onions from the Pikmin games also feature here. If you throw a pellet into an onion you'll be rewarded with items.
The bulborb in its natural habitat.
Eyyy, this-a better be good.
Hang in there Sammy.
Guys I think I found something.
Crikey! Danger danger danger!
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acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Nickhead said:
That giant bug could have been an assistant trophy.
wii addict said:
I litteraly am crying right now I'm so pissed.
gordi said:
Noooo! How can they delay it again? I can't believe it! They better be bringing us something awesome like headsets for talking while playing wi-fi or more playable characters or something, even a free plush toy would be good. Oh, and the stage looks cool. I liked the part when it rained, I can think of stuff to do to piss people off there hehe.
Wii Freak said:
That's just great another delay. Just great.
Aeth said:
*Sigh* And this week was turning out to be great until they confirmed the delaying rumor. Well anyway the stage was pretty much a "no duh", though it's still nice for them to confirm them. I don't think anything can lift the bad news of the delay.
Wii Freak said:
How come the Japan delay is a week and the US delay is a month?
hbh said:
Aww! This game better rock. Stage seems cool though.
EDD said:
In the last pic, are those captain olimar's pikmin? Anyway I wonder if you get KO'd while being eaten or just get damage.
Walruslord said:
No! Not again!
Sonic Phantom said:
Well, that's bad that Brawl has been delayed again. But it's only by one month. So, I can live with it.
goldseer said:
Can anyone here say the words duke nukem? Anyone? I give up, this game is NEVER going to be released.
pichu fan said:
Forget it, this game is never coming out. A month later they will delay it again. I'm really hoping to get this game but please let it be the last delay ever, as long as they are putting all characters back from Melee.
YoshLee said:
WAIT brawl really is delayed, NOOOOOOO. I really wish I read the top of this page sooner. Thanks wiis world you're right.
ssbb lover said:
What, another delay? This is an outrage!
Juan said:
Now I'm sad.
JosephTheSquirrel said:
Delayed? *sigh*.
insultman911 said:
That sucks! Someone I know is getting the Japanese version, which comes out this month. I preordered the regular one and now I have to wait 2 more months.
Nintendoof said:
No! Man I hate these delays. Well this game will be all the more worth it. Let's hope this is the last one though.
Rags said:
It better be Mega Man Sakurai.
Kenny said:
*March 9th echoes in his head* NOOOOOO. Ugh. Nintendo better have MORE 3rd party fighters if they're going to delay it THAT long.
GamingGuy84 said:
First of all: Hell No! I can't believe they are delaying the game again! Grrr. Second, this stage looks interesting. When is Sonic's stage going to be revealed?
YoshLee said:
Does anyone else see the old pop can on these pictures. My my, the horrors of pollution have no end.
Brinkofhumor said:
Delayed?! Agh. It was going to be right before my birthday. Now what am I going to spend my nice birthday cash on?
Master Foot said:
I knew it! Another delay. Not exactly great news, but another provision for a near perfect game.
eric ♥ wii said:
More long days of torture missing SSBB! I wonder what their excuse is for delaying it again. I really hope it is a good reason.
#1 Peach Fan said:
Are you kidding me with this? March 9th!?
Brawler200 said:
What! What are they up to. I can't believe they're going to hold it off for that long. This has got to be a crime or something. But at least it's coming out the day before my birthday.
DragonFoxCoon said:
And there's my proof. Oh well. Like I said, March is better than May. Anyhow, why does it seem like most of the new stages are really small?
Keranu said:
That third screenshot looks awesome.
BrothaZ said:
I wonder if the pellets are in the item switch.
meh yoyo said:
And I just pre-ordered the game too.
Dox said:
Well, I can't say I'm happy about the delay, but it will be better than before and it comes out just before the March break.
Wii Freak said:
At least it's 1 month instead of 2.
SSB FTW said:
Sakurai is REALLY making me angry today. Can't believe it.
Epsilon said:
NO! Just when it was a month away! We'd better see Sonic's stage soon Sakurai.
bored said:
Hey think of it this way. The longer it takes, the better it will be. I don't find this bad news at all. Besides a month isn't too bad. When I waited for Starcraft ghost they pushed it back months at a time. They canceled it. But hey if you want the game that bad, get it from Japan.
Googolmario said:
Keep it in perspective people. Give Nintendo a break! They're making the game as good as possible. Now they want to make it better- and everyone gets mad! I'd be a bit pissed if I was Sakurai.
doglover said:
If this ends up to be like BC (it was canceled because they took too long), I'm going to be extremely PO'ed.
doglover said:
It seems every delay rumor they talk about turns out to be true, and, if they just delay it because Wiisworld talks about it, STOP TALKING ABOUT IT.
bored said:
The Pikmin in the last shot fell down when Olimar used his Pikmin chain to reach the ledge from the fourth shot.
Linkman806 said:
Well look on the bright side, with the delay that means they are making the game even better.
Plaugefiend said:
Oh my freaking god! But look at the bright side of this, there might be more characters to be and more assist trophies. It also helps me find another Wii (it's unfixable) *sobs loudly*.
Super King said:
I really like this update, it looks like a fun stage. I'm over the delay already, though I was pretty damn sad this morning.
ToTaLgAmEr said:
I like it because it's different, Brawl is really changing things.
Gina Beets said:
I love this stage and hope that they make more stages from Pikmin. Delays you suck, but I guess if it makes it better. It better not just be an addition of brightness control.
kito536 said:
It has nothing to do with new things being added. Japan only gets a week and we have a month, it's done already, but I know the delay isn't for new stuff. The stage is amazing though.
wii addict said:
I'm crying right now.
insultman911 said:
I have too much money, I need to spend it on this game. By the time it comes out, I would have enough to buy 10 Wii games.
Masahiro Sakurai said:
Sorry we had to delay it. It's just because we want to make this game the best so we need time to come up with more ideas for the game. Sorry and thank you for your patience.
Falcon said:
I wonder if they keep this up, PAL is going to get it before everyone, which will be brilliant.
MrWii said:
All I can say is that they better use this delay to put Mega man X, Luigi and Captain Falcon in Brawl.
The people who say "well at least they'll make it better now" and all this other garbage get on my nerves. They've been working on this game for years, they should've "made it better" a long time ago. These delays are ridiculous, just give us the game. Everyone gets hype a month before it comes out tand then we have to keep waiting and waiting. Just give us the game or at least a friggin demo.
smash fan x said:
When you think about it they will work on the game until a couple days before the Japanese release, get the American boxes, then package up the game, ship it, and put it in stores. My point is the game is real close to being done. Shipping it across the ocean and getting it to every video game store in the US is the problem.
SSB4LIFE said:
I pre-ordered this game today to commemorate the delay. I'm angry, but I know they're only doing it to make the game better. By the way, this is an awesome idea for a stage.
SSB4LIFE said:
It comes out right at the start of March Break! I have a solid week of undisturbed play.
Going Crazy said:
Okay, this is getting ridiculous. I could stand waiting for Brawl until February 10th but this is WAY too much of a wait. Sakurai, you better give us one heck of an update soon and by this I don't mean Sheik. I knew she was coming back when the phantom hourglass guy mentioned it in the interview.
nintendo fan said:
This will be the greatest game.
bj collection said:
Do you remember when Wii's World joked saying that it was going to release December 2008. Maybe it wasn't a joke.
Diddy Kong Lover said:
A genius game that could define the system is always delayed over and over again, such as Grand Theft Auto IV for 360, Metal Gear Solid 4 for PS3, well Brawl could very well define this system.
Captain Jamesman said:
This is really starting to get on my nerves. I've been waiting for this god forsaken game since it was announced, say almost two years ago. And now Nintendo has to pull this stunt due to delays in the progress of the game.
wiicloud9 said:
Aren't MGS4 and GTA4 supposed to be released somewhere around the time, or a month or two later? And also, they're probably trying to avoid a "Wii" happening. All of us alone make up about about 1-10 percent of the "Smash Bros" population, so to avoid the happening with the Wii, they're possibly making more copies for us, especially after the Japan release. If it stayed the 10th, obviously they'll be a shortage, so they have to stop it before it starts.
Googolmario said:
You know, I'm surprised that Sakurai hasn't given up on the game. Everyone is so frigging ungrateful. Sakurai gives it his all, and when unfortunate delays occur, everyone gets PISSED OFF. He's TRYING. I, myself, applaud Sakurai for being so tolerant. I would've trashed the game long ago if it was me.
SSB fanatic said:
Since this delay is going to be for at least a month and some of you talk about sonic's stage it should be the Green Hill Zone from Sonic The Hedgehog Battle 2. It look great and Sakurai has the time to add it in Brawl.
unknown said:
Better be for a good reason.
Kiefer said:
Calm down guys! I don't care how long it takes for them to make the game as long as it's good when it comes out. People, there is more than just Super Smash Bros Brawl. Like really, find another game to play while you're waiting.
Kraz said:
What is wrong with everyone? The game has only been delayed twice, for an accumulative time of 3 months and 6 days. How can you call it DNF when it's already gone gold? I know this game is awesome but just live with it.
WiiNinja said:
March 9 is Test Week at school. I'm going to fail! Thanks, Big N.
megamanfan said:
I agree with Kraz, think of it this way, would you people rather have a game that released early, but didn't have that many characters and only had a few stages. Or would you rather have a ssbb that was released a few months later and had more characters, more stages, more items, and overall more time=better game. The only time that the delay would be junk is if they spent it just sitting on their thumbs, which I am totally sure they are not doing. I'm pretty sure I'd wait if it meant a better game.
Aeth said:
Music for this Stage: "Main Theme (Pikmin)", "World Map (Pikmin 2)", "Stage Clear/ Title (Pikmin)", "Forest of Hope", "Ai no Uta", "Environmental Noises", "Title (Big Brain Academy)".
Wii McGee said:
Captain Olimar is probably my favorite character in Super Smash Bros Brawl. I just wished that this game had DLC. Think about it, Rock Band alone is making millions on song downloads, this would give Nintendo such a boost. Extra characters, stages (A Super Mario Galaxy stage would be awesome), songs, and even trophies and stickers would be great. Please Nintendo, make this happen, think about the money and the dreams coming true. We need more female characters (Dixie Kong, Krystal, Rosaline, and Birdo) and King K Rool, Tails, and Bowser Jr. As additional characters that would make Super Smash Bros Brawl even better.