I guess Sakurai got stuck in traffic, today's Super Smash Bros Brawl update is later than usual. Anyhow, it's Donkey Kong's final smash!
For his most lethal move, DK whips out the bongos and plays a tune, much like in Donkey Konga. Pressing buttons in time to the rhythm increases the destruction.
Mario loves phat beats.
I'm leaving, jungle music stinks.
Wario: TAXI!
Ready to climb the corporate ladder.
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acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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User comments
Kitchwa said:
I just knew it was going to be involved with bongos. Bring back the old non-musical DK.
world wide wii said:
Super smash bros will never be the same again.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Insert "Conga Beat" lyrics from "The Mask" here.
pichu fan said:
Hey is diddy kong going to be in this game?
Master Foot said:
Does the character performing the final smash become invincible for that time period?
Sonicfan12 said:
Yea, seriously!
Scooby Jew said:
Man, that made me so mad when there was an hour delay for DK's final smash. He's such a horrible character, and this final smash is even more proof of that. I guess I shouldn't be complaining too much, at least Sakurai even gave an update. He could have by all rights just been an ass and not given an update, but then he'd be brutally murdered. I guess he has no choice but to update on-time, so I'm having second thoughts about not complaining.
smash fan x said:
Even in dk64 he played bongos, the only non-musical dk is when he kidnapped princesses. Anyway cool final smash! Even cooler, I reserved brawl yesterday.
KOOL-AID said:
I was expecting this. I mean all of DK's recent games have been involving bongos, so what else is he going to do - turn into KING KONG. Yea I don't think so.
Gamefreak said:
I thought his Final Smash would be something involving barrels, but this is good too.
Keelan said:
That's really sweet.
Captain Jamesman said:
Sweet, bongos rock. Go bananas DK.
i need a wiieww said:
Hey, those are the donkey konga barrels, just like in donkey konga, you clap too. Has anyone ever played donkey konga?
SSonic22 said:
Well it's kind of cool - the button thing, but, it's the worst final smash. I think my favorite right now is Samus, Mario or Link.
Gonzo said:
Oh, I like this idea. The more the rhythm, the more the destruction.
Yoshi-1up said:
If ANYONE messes up my jungle beat, I'll annihilate you.
KOOL-AID said:
Sadly this move doesn't seem to hurt anybody that bad. I mean it really doesn't seem like a smash finale.
Splintercell4ever said:
Wait, how would you know it was late. On the east coast, the update isn't until 3:AM, since it has to be 12:AM for the west coast. I highly doubt someone would stay up late just to read the update. Where exactly is this site set up?
Emanuel said:
Can anyone tell me how this Final smash works, because I'm confused. Does it do damage or just entertain you? PacMan for Brawl.
darkvic said:
It would be nice if banjo and kazooie were in this, but seeing as those characters are owned by rare. Anyways great update! Waluigi beter be in this game.
darkvic said:
I think that super monkey ball will be a character in ssbb.
WII MII said:
Donkey kong is going to beat the drums kickass style.
Pescador Gama said:
I thought it would be a banana bomb, like those of worms world party.
Matteus said:
I can imagine Dk's drums working like jiggleypuff's singing thing. Except he plays them too hard so he will probably wake them up.
insultman911 said:
I could bet $60 that Donkey Kong would not get on American Idol for that.
Toad said:
I think this Final Smash is some sort of a preperation that will make Donkey Kong stronger somehow, if you look at the last picture I mean.
Luigi Lovr4 said:
Yea but wouldn't it be even cooler if he started riding ramby or used his coconut gun instead?
doglover said:
Toad, I agree with you, I think he gets stronger too.
davyt 0247 said:
I'll have to try out his final smash before I can say if it is good or not, but who knows, maybe it racks up damage really fast.
nimonery said:
I have brawl and this smash sucks. DK is a really good character, but his final smash is worthless. It does practically no damage and they can easily escape it. Even Jigglypuff's final smash is better than DK's.
Coolass said:
Actually DK's final smash is awesome, you just got to know know to control his drums. The secret is that then you start playing the drum every time you see a blue flash behind him you press A and that's it. If you do it right everybody dies because his attack range gets HUGE.