Yep, your favorite monkey Donkey Kong (probably, unless you like Ai-Ai) is a playable character in Super Smash Bros Brawl, so says Sakurai this morning.
Check out these screens of him in all his apely goodness.
Old habits die hard.
I lost my bat.
Getting late, time to go home.
Show me the money!
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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The download link doesn't work... ...
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User comments
DragonFoxCoon said:
Another "Well, DUH!" character. And the only heavyweight I actually used from time to time in Melee.
smash fan x said:
Good, I was worried it would be just the release date but a monkey and a movie too? I wasn't expecting that. Oh I WAS right when I saw the banana peel and said dk is back.
Master Foot said:
At least they rendered the fur.
eric ♥ wii said:
Lol nice captions.
lman07 said:
Donkey kong! My favorite character. If you play against donkey kong online, it's me.
BrothaZ said:
Very nice. You see? I told you that there was no doubt of DK's arrival.
Captain Jamesman said:
Whoah, that looks cool. He almost looks like his past self. Think Diddy Kong will be in this?
pichu fan said:
Finally, can't wait for more characters. This will be the best game ever.
lolz said:
Yay! Strong and fast.
Rabbid Cat said:
Nice! Now all we need is sonic.
Keelan said:
Donkey Kong, my favorite.
Donkey Kong said:
Yes I knew it.
Gonzo said:
I love the characters in this game. This is going to be the best. The 3rd picture is Eldin Bridge from LOZ.
Splintercell4ever said:
Well he's finally here, performing for you. By the way, AiAi is the man. Or monkey.
lickwid said:
The BIG Guy's back, and he's better than ever, for SMASHBROS he's here, the monkeys here! (that's from the hess truck commercial for all you slow people out there). He looks better than ever.
Nickhead said:
Okay why is DK kidnapping Zelda instead of Peach?
KOOL-AID said:
YEAH DK's back!
Orez said:
Alright, but I kind of knew he'd be in there.
master kirby said:
He got better graphics.
Captain Jamesman said:
Maybe because they didn't announce Princess Peach yet. But they will. And if they don't, I'll get my torches and pitchforks.
jackass said:
DK'S back, now I hope they'll add Diddy and Dixie Kong. Plus King K Rule.
Sonic Phantom said:
Well they should announce Yoshi then Captain Falcon, then Peach and (my opinion) Sonic, which I know is in Brawl.
Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:
I hope they announce Peach but what about the other characters they showed in the trailer?
Captain Jamesman said:
Now you're speaking my language jackass! Think about a battle between K Rool and Bowser. Or better.
Nickhead said:
DK and bowser are back. Cool! Now all we need in SSBB is Peach and Luigi.
Dillon said:
I would probably call DK the Rupert Boneham of "Super Smash Bros. Brawl".
Pescador Gama said:
When I see these news DK pics, I remember the old song "he's bigger, faster, and stronger too". Don't you think every new game DK appears recharged and cooler?
KOOL-AID said:
I like Diddy but Dixie and King K Rool seem like a waste of roster space. King K would be good as a boss though.
PP said:
I think that Peach is so much better than Dk.
KOOL-AID said:
Peach sucks, the only good move she has is her B-side attack. I remember in the ssbm days, every time I faced her on level 9 in a 2 min match I KO'd her 10 to 15 times and she never even got me to 100% damage.
Random said:
Peach is awesome. Not only does she have good recovering capabilities, but her down A smash move pwns all (doing 60% or more if done correctly). In my opinion, she's better than Kirby.
Captain Jamesman said:
Well when it comes to my legendary gaming experience, I'd say Mario & Yoshi are my very best bets.
Dox said:
KOOL-AID, that's because level 9's suck, not peach. Try playing a human peach, or try her yourself.
master1 said:
Get ready to rumble with the king of the apes.
insultman911 said:
Donkey kong is the only character (I think) that can pick up another character. If he could lift giga bowser, he probably works out.
DKX900 said:
Hallelujah! You can probably tell by my name I'm mad about DK. By the way Peach really sucks and I have her for breakfast even at level 9.
insultman911 said:
You sold out man, it used to be about the kidnapping. Well it is, check the first screenshot ha! I just outsmarted a very old donkey kong.
insultman911 said:
I used donkey kong to beat 15 minute man melee. It took a while for dk's hands to heal.
#1 Peach Fan said:
DK is back baby.