DS sales overtake GBA

DS sales overtake GBA

In a new financial report from Nintendo it's suggested that lifetime sales of the DS handheld have overtaken those of the Game Boy Advance.

    Cumulative shipments
  1. DS - 84.33 million
  2. GBA - 81.36 million

Well, it was only a matter of time.

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Rob Jones

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Master Foot said:

It really was a matter of time, so no surprise here. Given those astronomical monthly figures, DS sales will overtake the number of people on earth.

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Shadow said:

Looks like it's the end of the GBA, or is it. I hear speculation of a virtual console for the DSi that will let you download GBA and GBA color games. Of course it's still just a thought.


Diddy Kong Lover said:

Come on DS, just 30 million left before you pass Game Boy, come on, so close.


brawl boy said:



Nintendoof said:

That's sweet.

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