Flipnote Studio free on DSi

Flipnote Studio free on DSi

Nintendo DSi owners who are interested in creating and watching animations can now download Flipnote Studio for free through DSiWare.

The software created by Nintendo features a simple interface where users can create basic "flip pad" style animations, as well as the ability to add sounds through the microphone.

These animations can be shared between local players over Wi-Fi, or over the Internet via a service called Hatena.

Flipnote Studio is already available to download in the US, Europe will be getting it tomorrow, August 14th 2009.

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Rob Jones

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User comments


Monkeylemur said:

Oh whoa, this is awesome. I might even consider buying a DSi now.


Nintendoof said:

Sweet, time to load up the DSi.


Darunia said:

I love this. Just got it yesterday, and I started making a zelda flipnote. It is awesome.


gamer guru said:

W00t! It's free.


Mischief Shadow said:

I saw a glimpse of this when it was Japanese. I can't believe we have it now. Now I just need a DSi XD.

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