Pronto Games have announced that they have Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder in development for the Wii. It's not known at this stage if it will be an adaptation of the GBA title or an entirely new game.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
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User comments
Killer Ape said:
Dungeons and dragons is the nerdest game ever!
quartzlcc said:
WOOT, Dungeons & Dragons. Let's hope this one is actually good, the GBA game SUCKED. It's probably a remake of some sort, because they've kept on doing that since Eye Of The Beholder on Genesis.
Ras said:
Man I think this would be almost the perfect system for a game like this. You could control your characters fighting style with the wiimote and use the nunchuck for shield blocking or a second weapon. Mmmmm, nothing like slaying a few orcs to take the edge off of life.
Ja-Mez said:
Never played dungeons and dragons before but it sounds pretty cool.
maxone23 said:
Mmm, that's kind of a nerd game.
Ekaj185 said:
Yeah. For nerds. I'll give it a chance though. If its on Wii it has to have some fun.
Wow I thought that was a made up game to make fun of white and nerdy kids. It's a real game? Who would have thought.
i need a wii...eww said:
My mates brought dungeons and dragons round once, it was pretty good but yea a bit nerdy too.
wii>ps3 said:
Sweet can't wait for that one.
Tan said:
The only reason you could dislike DnD is if you're bad at it.
Nova said:
I used to play DnD, but it got a little tiring. I think that a game would be better because when you play on one of the mats, you have to use a lot more imagination. Ouch.
Secret said:
I really enjoy DND, but all the console games have been a letdown, but yeah, this would be the perfect console for it.
The Drow said:
DnD games on consoles have never been anywhere near as good as on PC. I hope the Wii versions are an improvement.
D&D Ol' Timer said:
Being a D&D fan since Pool of Radiance on my Commodore 64, I really have my fingers crossed that they don't screw this up. Wii D&D could be so cool, but my money's on this being a complete and utter let down. Hope I'm wrong.
Fires said:
I hope that this goes ahead good, but won't hold my breath.
Darkooze said:
I hope this one rocks. If it does well, maybe they'll make more games like the two player Baldur's Gate series.
Drizzt Do'Urden said:
Why does everyone think D&D is so nerdy? It is way more fun than sitting alone in front of a monitor.
chris said:
I know, D&D requires social interaction, thought and creativity. Sure, you are playing fictional characters, but that is no different from anything else. I didn't realize it was so much cooler to sit alone in front of a television or computer screen than to interact with friends around a table rolling dice.
CC Strange said:
And posting on video game boards is not nerdy.
josh said:
Dungeons and dragons isn't geeky. It comes in ways to play for everyone: Video Game, PC game, RPG, pen and paper, OuTDOORS.
sidhe said:
For all you who said that D&D is the nerdiest game ever, you should think twice if you've ever played diablo, everquest, or world of warcraft- all of which came out of D&D.
Peter said:
To all who say that D&D is the nerdiest game ever, it beats sitting alone at night playing World of Warcraft up to all hours and then drudging to your stupid little jobs every single day. D&D involves social interaction, building bridges and bonds between people and generally having fun. Mr T and Vin Diesel play D&D.
YoshLee said:
Killer Ape: D&D is awesome, what's so bad about it being slightly nerdy? Everything is nerdy these days (one of the few good things about this modern age for me at least). The biggest movie of 2009 was a sci-fi movie about futuristic mech pilots, fighting blue aliens (Avatar). I'd call that nerdy, but was it bad, hell no! Give me D&D over WoW any day.
Sebastian said:
Oh man I can't wait, I have just loved DnD but let's hope it doesn't suck.
Tim said:
Wow. You what kills me about video gamers. They actually think that they aren't nerds. All those fantasy video games you guys play all started with D&D so you might want to pay some respect to the game that gave you what you play today. Oh by the way it's generally know that most video gamers don't play D&D because they can't do the elementary level math or put together a sentence properly to play the game. Yes I am a D&D playing nerd and have been for 30 years and yes I am a very smart guy. And here are a few more surprises: 1) I have a really hot wife, 2) I have two degrees both in accounting, 3) I make about 30% more than the nation average income, 4) I have two wonderful kids (girl 10 and boy 8) who keep bugging me to teach them to play even though they have all sorts of videos games and it's probably because they are smart kids, 5) I make lots of real world friends because of the game I love to play and the guys are coming over to play tonight instead of all of us heading over to a bar to get crap faced and spend a truck load of money. So if playing D&D is nerdy then I willingly accept the title of biggest nerd in the world.
The DM said:
YYYYEEESSSS. I love Dnd, in fact I am the DM for a gazillion campaigns. Mua ha ha (please don't let this Wii game bring sadness to all Dnd players).
HH said:
Hey Tim, nothing wrong with going to the bar? To the bashers out there, D&D is the root of more video games than you'd probably know. And what's wrong with D&D anyway? Those who have not tried it, then should not bash it. I am just a regular guy and I can enjoy getting crap faced at the bar as much as having an evening campaign with dragonlance. It's just another game. And in my humble opinion, not all D$D video games have been bad. Baldur's gate I and II was awesome. Eye of the beholder, great!, pool of radiance was ok too.
someone said:
Bauldurs gate dark alliance 2 great game rolls right out of the dnd universe. For all who don't know morrowind is also slightly based of the idea of dnd.
vfecteau2004 said:
I have been a d&d fan for 30 years. I am a retired force recon marine and police officer. Just because you don't understand something, don't put it down. Idiots.
Jason Odermatt said:
Eye of the Beholder Started on DoS PC in 1991 had 2 Sequels played all 3 back in the day. Was great for the time, Need Champions of Krynn Remake on Wii or Wii U or something.
1 post
valvedaddy said:
Please know that I am writing this not out of anger or frustration, but with a great big smile on my face. I find it hilarious that people are saying that it's a game for nerds in a derogatory manner. How big of a nerd are you when you are not only subscribed to video game sites like Wii's World, but also find it necessary to post comments? Personally, I am proud of my nerd status! :) Oh, and btw, without D&D there would be no RPGs - board, cards, video or otherwise. Respect the classics.
1 decade ago
65 posts
danfango said:
Well said @valvedaddy!
1 decade ago