The biggest games publisher in the world EA today announced six games are currently in development for Nintendo Wii.
The games announced at the press conference earlier were as follows: Madden NFL, Need for Speed: Carbon, Harry Potter, Tiger Woods PGA Tour, SSX and The Godfather.
All of these releases were said to take advantage of the wiimote's motion sensor capabilities. EA stated that there are also a number of other games in the works and there would be further announcements in the coming months.
Senior Vice President of EA, John Schappert said that the development team had taken a strong liking to the machine and that there had been an "explosion of innovation". Excellent news for Wii fans as 3rd party support continues to grow.
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User comments
ratpad said:
Awesome. Some good titles there, can see the wiimote doing great with them.
Koen van Beeck said:
Using the Wiimote as a wand, cool.
splintercell4ever said:
What the hell! No NHL 2007 or NBA LIVE 2007. This really pisses me off. I may not get wii if they don't make those games. Half of my games are EA Sports.
dag said:
They said that they will be announcing new games in the coming months so calm down.
splintercell4ever said:
Alexander the great is on the cover of 2007. I can't miss out on that.
THE BIG N said:
No NHL 07 is going to hurt. I was looking forward to playing With Ovechkin, Crosby and Phaneuf.
WiiFan15 said:
Harry Potter using the wiimote to cast spells looks pretty cool.
wii-mote dude said:
Oh yeah, the wii-wand. Ha that sounds cool. Almost as cool as that Star Wars game they're making. The Tiger Woods game is going to be pretty cool too. I can finally play golf inside without breaking everything!
Nick said:
I'm hoping they will make a new MVP baseball gameno more of this NCAA it's not as exciting.
cooldude said:
I hope there's a 007 game.
Gonzo said:
What the hell, where's NBA Live 07?