Wacky Races from Eidos

Wacky Races from Eidos

A listing from game rentalists (don't think that's a real word) GameFly suggests Wacky Races is on its way to Nintendo Wii and DS.

It's said to be published by Eidos and release on June 30th this year. If true, you can assume it's based on the cartoon by Hanna-Barbera.

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Rob Jones

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Wii Freak said:

I used to love that show! It was so funny and the characters in the show were very funny.


Vive le Ouii said:

Or on Wacky Wheels, which was awesome.

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PHiRE said:

Yea, Wacky Wheels was pretty cool. Like Mario Kart but with animals.


Ian C said:

Oh I loved the series so much! I want to rent one when it comes out.


wiiboy101 said:

Was it on dreamcast? I'm sure that was wacky racers or another cartoon kart racer, it was the only 3rd party kart game worth playing outside of the mario kart series. Hopefully great visuals and smooth motion steering and online play.

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Mike said:

I remember Wacky Wheels! That was really good.


Diddy Kong Lover said:

Eidos take Wii seriously, throw out a Tomb Raider.


Master Foot said:

This cartoon is classic.


Tennindo said:

If the cartoon was good then the game's going to be good.


wii fanatic said:

This is a definite buy on my list.

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