Epic Mickey on the real

Epic Mickey on the real

So all that Epic Mickey stuff a few months back wasn't just a load of hot air, Gameinformer magazine reveals the game is actually being made and shows off some more artwork on its front cover:

Apparently the story features Mickey battling against forgotten characters in Disney's history, who are angry about.. being forgotten, and want sweet sweet revenge.

Note that Mickey is holding a paintbrush in that there picture, this is said to be an integral part of the game, a mechanic similar to Okami.

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Rob Jones

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Parvin said:

Wow. To be honest I'd prefer a 'cuddlier' mickey game. This Halloween looking stuff doesn't fit mickey's mood right. Oh well, we'll see how this will go. Any info on when it's being released?


PerfectGun said:

I was thinking of Kingdom Hearts 3, well this is still great I think.


Darunia said:

Please switch this to kingdom hearts 3. PLEASE!


Parvin said:

I haven't personally played KH. If it was changed, would it sell well?


WiiCloud said:

They made the giant Keyblade thing popular. They'll make this look very good, I bet.


Captain Jamesman said:

Well I'm most certainly getting this.


Superdodo said:

Hell no, I want this game and there is nothing you can do about it.


Grey said:

I think they're setting the bar too high with this. People are going to be pissed if this game isn't epic, really, it's in the name.

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Nova said:

It'd be pretty funny if Oswald the rabbit made an appearance.


Superdodo said:

I just heard the music from the October 12th update and it was EPIC. Seriously it's really good.

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