FFCC The Crystal Bearers box art

FFCC The Crystal Bearers box art

Square Enix has released a final box art for the North American version of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers.

Looking forward to this one?

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Rob Jones

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GQ said:

As a person who loves final fantasy yet despises everything to do with the CC series, I am actually very excited for this one. It looks more mature and though it isn't a rpg I think a FF adventure game sounds like an awesome idea.

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Nova said:

I used to care about this game, but it was off the radar for so long.

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Nova said:

Still, I guess it's interesting.


david said:

I agree with nova. It's like when a game you want comes out but you don't get it straight away, the longer it takes to eventually get it the less you care for it, cause well it's an old game. That happened with me and STAR OCEAN 4 (for 360), couldn't afford it when it came out, went to get it next month but didn't really want it any more.

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