Some fresh information from EA has surfaced on how the Wii version of FIFA 2008 will handle.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
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User comments
Chaos said:
That makes gameplay way more simpler than over-complicated button controls. That's what put me off previous football games. Three more cheers for the Wii Remote.
i need a wiieww said:
Only the throw ins impress me there.
Master Foot said:
Let's just hope that it plays well. I have lost interest in soccer games since FIFA 98, so hopefully this one brings something fresh besides updated rosters and clubs.
james said:
Why the hell can't they just use A to pass.
Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:
Awkward but they should make wii-motes for the legs.
Wii man said:
I'm expecting this game to be dodgy. The controls seem fiddly.
Zendalf said:
RonaldMiinho? Is that supposed to be a bad pun that incorporates the Mii into the name of the best soccer player (not my opinion) or is it a typo.
Ahmed said:
Sounds like screwing up the controls.
Robert said:
Pah! I won't be getting Wii FIFA at all in that case. I also refuse to get any DS game where its controls are ABSOLUTELY stylus-exclusive. Using the stylus for some functions (e.g Pokemon Ranger) is fine, but I refuse to be forced to play my games in any single way. As a result, I will only buy DS games where alternative methods are being offered.
wiiboy101 said:
Footy controls to die for. I'm expecting pro evo to get the controls correct on Wii but this sounds ok. Anolog to spin corner kicks? Why not ball bending corners, crosses and free kicks via 3d motion?
Scooby Jew said:
I would care, but this is soccer. I'd rather read a book than play soccer.
Pidge said:
The thing about the Wii version is that it is played up and down like Madden rather than left to right. Mmm strange.
big c said:
Scooby the fact that you call it "soccer" is bad enough. Read MORE books (a must), but don't post just to bash the world sport. I'm looking forward to it. Thank god for gamefly.
alex said:
Classic controls have to be used for fifa 08, that is easier and the camera has to be normal.
Matt said:
Wow! Those controls look fun, multiplayer is going to be crazy.
fifacrazy said:
It looks like it is going to be awesome and the controls will be a new experience and a new challenge plus I love every fifa as it is an awesome game.
ak said:
Is it only available to play up and down for real? And not side to side.
Futballer said:
This is one of the best games I have played. The shooting difficulty has increased from FIFA 2007.
jon said:
Can the classic controller be used to play fifa 2008?
dillon said:
Can the classic controller be used to play fifa 2008?
jamil said:
Does fifa 09 have online play and does it still have the normal type of matches (without the miis).
airee said:
PES is way better, take it from someone whose played both. I spit on this fifa game, I heard fifa 09 is good when it comes out though.
dorae said:
Does anyone know how to add the multiplayer (offline) for Fifa 08?