First Wii U accessories revealed

First Wii U accessories revealed

Who buys some of these things?

A company called Atomic Accessories is set to brave the waters and be among the first to manufacture peripherals for Nintendo's Wii U console. The initial lineup consists of the usual suspects - a variety of cases, stands, chargers and styluses (styli?). Take a look and see if there's anything you'd pick up:

TWIN SKIN Wii U ATOMIC - the first case made for Wii U's Game Pad to enter the market. It's made from rigid and transparent plastic, designed specifically to protect your Wii U Game Pad from dust, scratches and cracks. Available in fashionable colors.

TRAVEL CASE 'BR' GAME PAD Wii U ATOMIC - the first soft case for the Wii U Game Pad to enter the market. It's perfect for travel use, made of synthetic material, soft to the touch and water-repellent (SBR "Styrene Butadiene Rubber"); specifically designed to protect your Wii U Game Pad from rain, dust, scratches and shocks. Available in fashionable colors.

STAND-UP STATION GAME PAD Wii U ATOMIC is designed for the Wii U Game Pad. The design is simple, but at the same time attractive and it is fully foldable and adjustable for the view you need to maximize your comfort.

PENNY Style Stylus Pen Wii U ATOMIC is the pen for Wii U with a stylish design. Made with materials that feel nice to the touch and with a particularly ergonomic shape. Available in many fashionable colors and also a special multi-color.

CHARGING STATION SLIM Wii U ATOMIC is designed for the Wii U and allow you to recharge the Wii U Game Pad. Allows a perfect slot for your Wii U console, two Wii remotes and two Wii Nunchuks.

CHARGING STATION GAME PAD Wii U ATOMIC is designed for the Nintendo Wii U and can recharge the Wii U Game Pad. Simple and modern design.

CHARGING STATION PRO Wii U ATOMIC is designed for Wii U and allows you to recharge the Wii U Game Pad. The design is simple, yet captivating. The wood texture on the front panel transform the console into an element of your home's design.

WHEEL-PAD Wii U GAME PAD ATOMIC is designed for the Wii U Game Pad. The profile is realistic and ergonomic: the natural riding position ensures easy access to all buttons of the Wii U Game Pad.

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Rob Jones

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34 posts

Aster said:

Most of this stuff is a waste, cept maybe the chargers, you need one of those.

1 decade ago

18 posts

Kimimaro said:

That wheel must be HUGE.

1 decade ago

65 posts

danfango said:

I wouldn't mind having a Wario stylus.

1 decade ago

71 posts

PHiRE said:

Modern gaming would be screwed without chargers, who wants to buy batteries all the time.

1 decade ago

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