As expected the new SSBB trailer included a new character... kind of. Although not new to the series, Fox McCloud is in. The trailer shows the intrepid Fox riding on a ship out in space. Who needs air to breathe? Losers, that's who.
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acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
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User comments
Wii-Worshiper said:
Yay, although I'm not a big fan of Fox, he still is an asset to the team.
Darunia106 said:
Oh boy! Now my brother can kick my butt with this insanely imbalanced character again.
Master Foot said:
What about Star Wolf!? They put Wario in, so why not Wolf? He's probably a secret character.
SSBB FAN said:
Fox looks really cool.
SSBB freak said:
He looks weird to me but that's just me.
quartzlcc said:
Wow, cool. And Fox especially shows the crazy graphics capable on the Wii.
Ras said:
Booo! I hope they give this character some needed balance. For how quick he was some of his moves were way to powerful, plus he has the best reflect in the game. Will see though.
Nick said:
Great! I love using Fox, kind of like Darunia I use him to kick my brother's butt.
wii-mote dude said:
Awesome. I hope you get to play as slippy. Nerdy as he is, I have to admit that would be AWESOME.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Hell's YEAH! I also agree with Foot on this one; why not Wolf? And I hope they bring back Falco.
MX27 said:
I'd say they wouldn't put in wolf because they already have falco. They would all be too similar to have 3 of almost completely same characters.
SSBB FAN said:
Wolf would be so cool I would use him all the time in SSBB.
TinyBoy said:
I hope they put Slippy in it just so I can beat him up again and again and again. Great to see Fox back though.
thunderflare said:
I was hoping Krystal would be in the game. Probably not but I think she'd be really cool, fighting with her staff.
LOZfan said:
Oh great. I hate Fox, if they are going to put him in then they are gonna put in a whole bunch of useless characters like Pichu!
Epsilon said:
I really doubt anyone other than Fox (except Falco) will appear in SSBB. But who knows. No one expected Snake, now did they?
Nintendo-fan said:
YAY. Now my friends are going to have a hard time, even if they all choose Fox!
Fishmon said:
I saw something in the trailer that might hint Sonic is in the game. During the part where they're showing zero suit Samus, there's one part where she's doing some weird flip. Notice the background? It's outer space. It could be a Metroid level, a Mario galaxy level, or something else but it could be the space colony arc! If he is in they'd probably use Green Hill or something and that's probably a Mario galaxy level but you can't say for sure yet.
Some Guy said:
Sorry Epsilon, I hear that all the secret characters from SSBM will be taken out except Luigi & Jigglypuff. Long live Krystal!
BrothaZ said:
Wait. Slippy's a man!?
Ja-Mez said:
Fox is mad! He's my key character in Melee. Look at those graphics.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Wow. A level in space. How can that be proof that Sonic and Shadow (since you said Ark) are in the game? The only thing we've heard that hints at the POSSIBILITY of Sonic is from Miyamoto saying he'd make a great character in the game. Not that he's in the game, but that he'd be good. Pichu was useless; Fox was upper tier. And to MX27: didn't they do 3x the Mario in Melee? Mario, Dr Mario, Luigi? And didn't they also use a lot of doubles? At this point, until a solid list of characters is made, we're open to almost any suggestion.
BrothaZ said:
Holy crap.
Ja-Mez said:
Some Guy, if you're telling the truth I'm going to murder you. As if Ganondorf, Marth, Roy and Falco are gone! Who gives a crap about Pichu but seriously. And if Sonic's there, I'd say the Death Egg would be an awesome level. You could be fighting on a lift sort of thingy like in the F-Zero stage and when it stops, a few robots like the E-10000 Series comes out and shoots around. Then it could say Danger! In the background and then the lift breaks out of the Death Egg and then a while later it says, Repairs Complete and you end up back inside again.
wiifan said:
Why aren't there any new characters besides Metakight, Wario and Pit? Come on Nintendo, show us more characters!
ganondorfrules said:
Yes fox is like in my top 5 characters in SSBM.
Elementrat said:
I can't believe they would take out Ganondorf, Marth, Roy or kid link! I'm really hoping SSB Brawl has all the Melee characters I know and love AND some kickass new ones to learn how to use (kind of like the jump from SSB on n64 to SSBM on GC). I never really liked Fox so I wouldn't really care if they took him out and don't get me started on how much of a Fox clone Falco was. They're almost the EXACT same!
floopy doop said:
Go Fox! You're awesome! Hip hip hooray for Fox.
nick said:
Fox is the best character in the game.
floopy doop said:
Who else in here thinks there should be a new fox game?
Where wulf? said:
Jigglypuff was the bomb! Marth was fun as well but they should really add new and cool characters into the game. Sonic would be awesome! Imagine our cel-shaded Link from Wind waker appeared. They also put in a lot of Pokemon characters so why not Wolf?
Fox Mcloud said:
You bet I'd get put in this game. And who is the jackass who says I shouldn't get put in SSBB?
Fox Mcloud said:
Bring it on hedgehog!
Speed Characters said:
Well let's hope that all of the RUMORS for the pulling of characters is false. On top of the Fox picture, hey I liked him, but I hate most speed characters because they're the only ones used by "PROFESSIONALS" in tournaments. Kind of cheap, but maybe not.
Falco Lombardi said:
Hey Fox! I didnt know you posted messages here, and by the way I wasn't an exact clone of Fox. My feathers are blue.
general fox said:
Will there be a ssb game for ds?
FOX FAN 100 said:
I think that Fox and Falco are both cool but since Fox is faster he is better.
??? said:
Hey I saw a photo of transformers, spyro and darth vader. Is that proof of secret characters? In the meantime ssbm and ssf (a version of melee with sonic, tails, knuckles, blade and megaman on the computer) are good. Just to tell you some of the added characters in flash may be in brawl.
Ben McCloud said:
I'm glad that they showed Fox before people like Luigi or Cpt Falcon because the StarFox games are underrated and people need to realise that. The StarFox games are easily better than anything Pokemon or Mario could ever dream of coming out with.
StoikC said:
Mario games are fun too, though I agree with the Pokemon statement. I just want Roy and Falco to be in SSBB. Maybe Marth, but I'm not going to be surprised to find out that kis Super-Smash attack is a Sailor Moon style tiara throw.
Sonic Fan said:
Starfox is one of my favorite franchises. He does look different though. But still, this game will kick ass!
LOZfan said:
Pokemon is way better than Star Fox games!
StoikC said:
That's just your opinion. Anyways, I am eager to know who the next character that they confirm will be. Any thoughts on it? I think that it will be Donkey Kong.
dragonmaster said:
I want to see dragonite as a character.
McCloud Dude said:
I agree with Ben, Star fox is my favorite video game series and fox is going to own it up in this game.
falcown said:
If they don't put falco in Brawl my freaking head is going to explode.
dying for wii said:
I'm glad to see fox back but I like how he looks in melee better.
trainer said:
Due to the release date being so soon, I highly doubt that Nintendo will release any more character information, plus pokemon games kick ass. Sonic will be in because of Nintendo's meeting with sega and sega has said in the past that they would have loved the idea of sonic being in melee. The next character that rightfully owns the next spot in smash brothers is mega man, like it or not classic mega man! Despite what's hot now, classic mega man is what started it all and if x, or mega man exe or anything like that will be in the game then they will be earnable such as doctor mario, kid link and baby pikachu (pichu). Sora would be great, especially because of his growing popularity. Also there is much rumor on the web about team rocket from pokemon being in ssbb because they were in pokemon yellow and that trio would be pokemon's actual "bad guy" character in brawl.
Slippy Toad said:
I hope everybody in our universe makes the cut. I also hope that Leon, Panther, Pigma, Andrew and Wolf make it (well not really besides Wolf and Panther). Anybody who doesn't like us are squares.
game master said:
Fox is a beginner character.
TFM said:
Fox can be used really well if you can master him. His speed is a good advantage and makes up for his weak attacks (he's the guy I use).
fox kloud said:
Slippy sorry to say you're not going to make it. I hope krystal does, her staff attacks should be awesome.
tomboy said:
I agree with fox kloud, Slippy will not make it - SLIPPY IS STUPID!
bombsoldier said:
I'll remain ssbm champ, when brawl comes beware my raw smashing skills.
Linksollo said:
Hmmm Fox, I hope that Nintendo fix this character. I hate how you can break the reflector with a jump. Only these space animals can do that, it's so unfair.
Wassabi said:
Fox was amazing in SSBM, they have to bring him back. And Marth was better than Roy, even though roy is stronger, Marth's speed makes Roy easy to beat.
smasher pro said:
If fox is in, falco shouldn't make it. He is just like fox, the small differences hardly matter. The character I want would be zero but they're just having mega man since he was the original. What's with the samus not in her suit with a whip? Is that seriously true? I don't remember her using a whip in any other games, but whatever sells it I guess.
dylan said:
There's also going to be ridley, and some guy named fabio? That's what I've heard anyways.
fox beat you said:
Fox is the mvp of ssb.
Orez said:
Have you guys seen the latest posts on the ssbb site? You can move, run and jump while shooting weapons, the super scope is returning too.
fox kloud said:
I have been looking at some videos and they say krystal is in for good.
Lady X said:
I think that they should and will keep the people from the first N64 version. Just my personal opinion, I think they should.
ganon6 said:
I hope they put ganon in ssbb, if not someone stronger, and please no clones. The items are looking better, like the barrel which changes to the theme of the stage. So excited to get my hands on a ssbb game.
f0x is best said:
Fox owns but I hope sonic is in ssbb also.
Sonic said:
Fox, fast? More like a VCR stuck in slow motion. I'll probably get in, but we're not sure about tails yet. Shadow keeps blowing it off, but he's soft at heart. Peace out.
Nickhead said:
I heard fox is the best character in SSBB.
fox and falco fan said:
I like the way fox looks. He really looks awesome with those mean green eyes and that cooler looking gun than what he had in melee. But I have to hear that they put falco in. Him and fox are my favorites.
Kaidyansty said:
Man they better have marth. I've heard rumors that they are keeping him, but replacing roy with ike.
Capt Falcon said:
Captain Falcon HAS to be in this game.
LG305 said:
Ike is in.
SuperLink said:
Fox is a great character to bring back. Let's hope he brings some friends with him.
darklink said:
Shiek, link and ganondorf are all official characters. Eiji Aonuma made them slip and gave it away.
SSB said:
Kid link, ice climbers, and game and watch are confirmed out but I think those are the only ones not returning.
EDD said:
Man he doesn't looks any better in brawl. His appearence in SSBM looked better.
wrong said:
Ice clmbers and sonic are announced now.
Tpgnos said:
Awesome. It's great to see that Fox made the cut, but on the subject of Falco. Falco has to be in Brawl. Bottom line. He was such a sweet and unexpected addition to melee, he can not possibly be left out. And he's my favorite character. On the subject of cloning, there is so much potential Falco has to have awesome moves, but to still have different moves than Fox's (he could have a blue fire-tackle instead of a red one like Fox's, or a different side-smash or something). This statement is also compatible with other characters that have been cloned (i.e Ganondorf / C. Falcon). They don't have to be the same. Be CREATIVE Nintendo!
Falco1 said:
Falco better be in it or I'll literally cry I bet. Smash is my life, I'm tournament capable, and Falco is my only good character. Not to sound cocky but I'm better than all my friends and almost everyone in my town, for him not to be there will just be such a huge disappointment. Fox is good too but he's not a substitute for Falco. I'm best with the spike and Fox doesn't have it, he's just got reflector spike. Hell will be unleashed if I find he's not there.
TheUltimateChaos said:
Out of all the sites I've been to, the gaming magazines I've read and all the other gaming stuff, they all said Krystal is supposed to be in SSBB.
FalcoMaster said:
If Falco is not in the game, I'm not even sure I would want to play it. On SSBM Falco was all I used.
TruBlu said:
Another Video-game character I love, alongside Sonic. Love his new look. Now Nintendo, do Tails and Falco. Please?
Crashbangadam said:
They should defo keep Luigi, he was awesome and also, Nintendo should buy Crash Bandicoot and make him a character.
hellokitty said:
Game&watch confirmed PWN.
TruBlu said:
I am going to beat LOZfan up.
Rage said:
I've already seen all the announced characters. Including the secret ones. And Sakurai has done a great job. On the game and all of its features. But also left me with a HUGE disappointment. Of all the characters that returned he did not let Roy come back. He wanted this to be the most perfect game in the SSB series. Yet he left out one of the most popular characters. Bad move sakurai, bad move. SSBB still gets a 9.5, the remaining 0.5 are for Roy.
Bob said:
Yay, Falco's in! I used him and his insane jumping abilities in the old game.
starfoxai said:
That's cool how they made him look like the one in the DS verson.