There's a new item afoot in Super Smash Bros Brawl. It's called the Franklin Badge, and it shields the wearer from projectile attacks. You should be aware though that it doesn't last for the entire match.
Monkey see, monkey want.
I wear my badge with pride.
It's king kong, shoot!
Not today, disco lady.
Hehehe I look like a boob.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
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User comments
n00bHunter0 said:
The kirby caption is hilarious XD.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Besides the Assist Trophies, this is the best item reveal yet. And it proves that Ness will be back for round 3.
Splintercell4ever said:
Not necessarily Ness. Many believe it will be Lucas to take his place. But either way, we will see an Earthbound character this time around.
pichu fan said:
What, no character revealed this week.
Sonicfan12 said:
I can't wait for the next character one! Rumors say the next character revealed will be sonic.
Master Foot said:
At the right angle, Kirby will still look like one. Brawl will be rated M for sure.
frogapottomis said:
Sonicfan: RUMORS! How many have there been now.
Yoyoenix91 said:
I REALLY hope Ness is here to stay, but I wouldn't mind seeing Lucas as well.
Crimson Hawk said:
Lucas and Ness are both very good players, but what is a SSB without Ness? Frogapttomis is right SonicFan, how many rumors have you heard about this game, and they never became true?
Name123 said:
Ha goomba.
Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:
Like 100 rumors so far. I just hope they show another Fire Emblem character. Sothe or Micaiah.
Gonzo said:
For the first three pictures, I like the Forest fighting stage! If the badge lasts for the whole battle, it would be fun. But I do hope Sonic will be revealed in the game.
Captain Jamesman said:
I've never heard of this item before. But it sounds nifty.
EDD said:
Ness has got to be in this after this item is shown. I just know he will be in it.
ssbbfanboylolzXD said:
Before seeing this, I still had a hope of never having ness back. DAMMIT! Personally, I hate ness, but it would be great to see ANYONE ELSE BUT NESS.
KOOL-AID said:
I doubt that the next character revealed will be Sonic. In fact I believe Sonic will be one of the final updates on the SSBB website (Maybe will be shown at NW 07').
Scooby Jew said:
I hope they have Poo as a character. I'm not trying to be immature or stupid, he was a character in Earth Bound and a trophy in Melee, and according to my brother he has a lot of different moves. So basically they don't have a good reason for him to not be in Brawl. Heh, "Poo".
JosephTheSquirrel said:
I find the item cool. That's it. More characters sounds nice.
Wiimaster said:
I never cared for ness.
Splintercell4ever said:
No it will be M Rated if gets stuck somewhere specific on Zero Suit Samus.
Nova said:
Another item update. Another update where I don't care.
Nickhead said:
Ha ha! Kirby looks funny.
Nickhead said:
My friend really hates Ness.
Zendalf said:
I'll cry if they take away ness.
Gonzo said:
That would be funny if they actually rate it an M game.
KOOL-AID said:
Ness sucks, if anyone from the Earthbound series makes it in Brawl it should be Poo and I really don't like him either. I wish that Nintendo could just keep Earthbound out of the game (except for that item, it's actually pretty cool).
Captain Jamesman said:
That 2nd caption is kind of funny. He's standing all captainy and saying "I wear my badge with pride". Maybe he should lead an army of highly trained monkeys.
Justin said:
They should add that bee from Earthbound, he kicked ass, or Ness' dad, the phone.
n00bHunter0 said:
I've never played Earthbound but it would be cool to see more characters from the game.
i need a wiieww said:
Ness you would think to be a rubbish character in melee, know his moves and you could own with him. Well that's the same with every character, but I loved the look of shock on my cousin's face when I owned him with ness, when he thought he sucked.
DKX900 said:
Who cares about Ness anyway? I only used him on melee as a punching bag to get trophies, awards, etc. I just hope they're putting him away for good. Though this does seem to imply Earthbound characters will be joining.
Twilli said:
No character, except pichu, was a true junk character. Think of jigglypuff, unless you knew how to control her you would kill yourself. However if you did know how to control her, she was one of the strongest characters.
doglover said:
Sonicfan, the character revealed after the Franklin Badge is the Pokemon Trainer.
doglover said:
Master Foot I just looked at the cover, with the Wi-Fi connection symbol, and it says it's rated T for Teen, so Boo-Ya.
David said:
Sorry, Gonzo, but it does not last the entire battle, it will come off so you will have to pay attention.
HannahJuly said:
Ness is from the initials NES. I hope he makes a comeback.