Reports are in that the GameCube's Freeloader and Action Replay will both work on Wii. GameCube homebrew applications are also rumored to be working.
Freeloader is a disc that allows importers to play games from other regions. Action Replay is used to enter cheat codes for games.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
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gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Wii-Worshiper said:
Freeloader? Sweet I can buy my games from America and have them here before the 8th. Sweet.
Elementrat said:
Awesome! I've never seen one though. Does GameStop have them?
Dapple said:
Whoa, never heard of it but now that I have. *mischievous smile*.
Scooby!_Jew said:
Ras said:
It's been confirmed, my brother uses freeloader and it runs perfectly fine.
random hero said:
Freeloader is only for GameCube games, NOT Wii games! Just so you know before you go and order Wii games from overseas and then can't play them- it only means you can play imported GC games on the Wii.
Zelda-dude said:
That's cool.
DragonFoxCoon said:
Yeehaw, foreign games.
Ekaj185 said:
I made mario walk up-side down in Super Mario sunshine LoL.
Wii pwns all said:
Awesome! I was wondering if I was going to have to buy another action replay. Suhweet!
hmm said:
I tried it and it wouldn't work for me actually, just gave me an "unable to read disc" screen.
9r said:
I have the same problem as 'hmm'. My Wii seemed doesn't recognize the freeloader. Just wondering how those confirmed it works. Under what circumstances? Like before online system update or way to load the disc? Since the loading method between GBN & Wii is totally different.
evestraw said:
I hope datel is working on friiloader.
cmk said:
I saw one for $5, didn't have a Gamecube then though.
Ras said:
9r, I've confirmed it on my brother's Wii after the firmware update. I'm not sure why it won't recognize your freeloader. I'd call Nintendo support and see what they say. To me this also means developers should be able to come up with software for the Wii such as freeloader to play other region Wii games. I might be wrong but I don't see how so.
Jrapocalypse said:
I had a friend try his freeloader and he said it worked over the phone, I just got one and it won't work so I'm wondering if it might have something to do with different versions. I have seen different ones on the net.
Garrod said:
Freeloader 1.06B does not work on Wii. However Datel just released a new version of Freeloader on December 3 that runs on Wii.
PCarnie said:
Just to let everybody know I have now got a Wii and just bought a Freeloader. I can confirm that it does not work. When I insert the disk it does not recognize the disk. However I do have a PAL Wii (I live in NZ). But I seriously doubt that Nintendo made changes to the PAL region Wii to stop Freeloader from working.
Dirtbrain said:
I have a PAL AR disc, and it also doesn't work on my PAL (NZ) Wii.
TheReverend said:
I have also just got my Wii (PAL UK) and my GC Action Replay disc is purposefully unable to be read by the console. Unsure which version but it's in a nice shiny tin. I guess I have to keep my GC for my GC games then.
Monkey Wii Luffy said:
I also have a PAL Wii (AU) and my GC Action Replay doesn't work either. Just get the unable to read disc error message.
Zelda's Jigly Bits said:
1.06b does not work on a PAL Wii.
8culexus8 said:
I have a PAL Wii (NZ- identical to AUS) and have Freeloader 1.06B (yes there is a difference between 1.06b and 1.06B) but it still doesn't work. Just says can't read disc.
I ordered a new action replay from datel. When it arrived it said on the tin it worked with the Nintendo Wii console so I tried it and it didn't work either. I rung them up and they said the version I got will only work on an AMERICAN Nintendo Wii but I ordered this from the UK website. According to them they are still trying to get the freeloader and action replay to work on a pal machine so I've been told when they get them working they will send me replacement disc for nothing.
Cypher said:
I have a PAL Wii (UK) and it does not work with AR 1. 14b.
David said:
I have an NTSC Wii (Japan) and it does NOT work with freeloader 1.06b.
pissed off said:
You have to have the latest action replay gamecube according to the codejunkies website.
Nyxzen said:
So there is no FreeLoader that will work on a PAL (NZ) Wii as of yet?
Geo said:
I bought an action replay a while ago too. It was the one in the tin box that had the sticker on top "works with Wii". But it didn't work (I have pal Wii). After some e-mail contact with the codejunkies support it came out that wrong disk(s) ended up somehow in the AR for GC. They said they would send me the right one as soon it is available and they did send one a month or maybe two later. The new disk has "For use on European Console" written on it and works with my Pal Wii. I am still having some problems though. As soon as it loads I get the freeloader screen and some preselected cheats. I haven't figured out how I can enter newer cheats that can be found from AR's website.
Fuzzyhat said:
I recently purchased the actual Action Replay disc that is displayed on their website. They claim that it works for Wii, but it does not. I own a NTSC version Wii.
Not Stupid said:
If you would buy US released products instead of mixing and matching you wouldn't have any problems. My AR works great with my Wii.
Smarter than You said:
Yeah, so I don't think that's the problem. I bought a version of the AR that claims that it's compatible with the Wii. Bought it here in the good old US of A, for use on an NTSC console, which is what I've got. It's no good. Doesn't work a single bit. It just doesn't load at all in my Wii. I would love to know where you got yours though, if only so that I could get one that would work for me as well as it allegedly does for you.
Pjotr said:
Is there an action replay for the Wii itself? My action replay version 1.13 doesn't work on my Wii.
The Omega said:
There is no Action Replay for Wii itself?
Hese said:
Action Replay is for PAL version of Wiis/GCs only. Doesn't work for NTSC.
Nintendo Fan said:
I have a PAL Freeloader v1.0 that always worked with my gamecube yet when I try it with my Wii (also PAL) it doesn't work. Does anyone know why?
Robert said:
So Action Replay for a Nintendo GameCube will load up on the Wii for your GameCube games? If so what's the newest version out and can you upload new games to it via internet? And is there really a Action Replay coming soon for the Wii? Thanks, anyone with current info.
JP said:
Didn't Nintendo do a recent software update that broke the free loader? I'm hoping they're able to create a new free loader that will survive Nintendo's random software updates. Damn them.
Not stupid said:
I am in Canada. I have a Wii and the latest ar. Does not work, just reboots my Wii. Datel is coming out with ar for Wii late 2007 early 2008. RATS.
steve said:
I bought an action replay a while ago to play twin snakes and it worked fine until I updated my Wii at the weekend, now it doesn't seem to read the disc when I try and use it. Looks like Nintendo have tried to block it because I had infinite ammo on twin snakes for weeks.
Frank said:
AR for Gamecube does not work on the Wii for me. I can't believe it, why would they pull a move like Microsoft and make updates that only create problems and frustration for everyone.
Frost said:
What freeloader will I need to play Japanese Gamecube Games On my american Wii. And is there any news about being able to play Japanese games on an american Wii.
Wii Fan said:
I purchased Action replay and freeloader (the one that said works with wii) for my PAL Wii a while ago. And yes it was the European disc. Both worked 100% HOWEVER yesterday I tried using it and it doesn't work at all. It comes up with disc read error. I think it might have something to do with the firmware update that Nintendo done (v3. 0). Because they both worked perfectly before.
Jon Thorne said:
I am new here, I just started. Anyway the japanese gamecube games will work on the American Wii, I tried it.
Deidara said:
I've also just started. And I am so darn mad with datel for holding out on me for so LONG.
Glendower said:
What a bunch of crap. Luckily, I have some save games from before they broke the wii/GCAR compatibility. I wanted to cheat my way through the first 2 metroid primes (I hate playing FPSs with console controllers) so I could see the story and have a better understanding of the story in Corruption. Now I'm not going to play them or a number of other GameCube games that I wanted to play during the GC's lifespan. Way to go, Nintendo, you lost a few sales (and maybe a few more). I don't NEED to cheat through games, but sometimes I'm not quite interested in them enough to play them for hours and hours. I'm a grad student and I have to be pretty in to a game to want to spend too long with them. Dumb.
mooman said:
Just use an old gamecube (not wii), the action replay works fine on them. I know it's a pain but what are you going to do?
asfdas said:
When does the Freeloader come out? I bought Naruto GNT EX a few months ago.
rosie123456 said:
What is the difference between the free loader and the action replay!?
annoyed said:
I recently bought the Wii powersaves which came with a free gc action replay but it doesn't work on my pal Wii. It says for use on european wiis, why doesn't it work?
SakuraD said:
I bought the AR that says "works for Wii" and it didn't work for my Wii. I have the American Wii as well. Forget about freeloader, my system won't even recognize the freaking disc! What's the deal here? Are they trying to make us buy two versions of the same AR?
lance said:
It won't work on the up-to-date Wiis. It did work but then I updated via WiiConnect, now it won't.
Travis said:
Well right now My Action Replay is being pretty stupid on the Wii. I put mine in and all so that I could play Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life. Well any game that I try to play with the Action Replay it says Corruption in Slot A then I fix that and when I play Harvest Moon: WL when I try to go to anyones house but mine it says something is wrong. I want this to be fixed so can anyonew here tell me how?
shaneomac said:
I got a gamecube action replay with the little "Works on Wii!" thing on it, which it did, about three times. Now when I put it in my Wii it says "An Error has occured. Please turn the power off and refer to your Instruction Manual". It works fine on my old Gamecube though, so there's nothing wrong with the disc. Disappointing.
777WIIMAN777 said:
I've had the same problems with my action replay (not freeloader) ever since the Wii system update last year near August. Now there are ways to fix that, you just have to look around the internet.
jesse said:
I bought the freeloader for Wii and when I put it in, my Wii says an error has occurred and it won't load. How am I supposed to play my Japanese games if the freeloader won't even load first? If anyone knows why this is happening, please let me know.
Josh said:
You all do realize that Nintendo is constantly making new firmware updates to block the latest versions of AR, right? When your AR was made (not necessarily shipped) it probably did work with Wii, but since then you've updated firmware.
Scrubs said:
That's really cool.
I'm With Genius said:
Nintendo? Damn you. When people want to cheat, they cheat. Simple as that. It's not like it hurts anyone, right? And then I notice you haven't made it impossible to cheat on a DSi or anything.
Alissa said:
Hello, I have an action replay gamecube compatible with Wii. I will upgrade the codes, but how I do it? How I entered new codes? P. S: Sorry I'm not so good at english.
FreeLoaded said:
I think version 1.06b works, but 1.06B (capital B!). If you have bought a new Wii, or updated your Wii (firmware), then that may cause it to stop working with ALL versions of FreeLoader, as Nintendo don't like people cheating or importing games.
Arindam said:
Freeloader does not work for firmware version 3.2 and above, according to Datel. Those who have the misfortune to have purchased Freeloader and then have a firmware version between 3.2 and 4.2, need not fret though; you can go install the homebrew channel and Gecko, and bypass region-lock using those (there are also homebrew programs that bypass region-lock for gamecube games). However, if you have firmware version 4.3. You'll probably have to wait a while as the hackers at homebrew set about overcoming the new obstacles Nintendo has placed. For more information, just type 'Complete Softmod Guide'+ Wii at a search engine.
HELP ME said:
Hi everyone! Can anybody help me? I live in Mexico, I have a gamecube that I bought about 5 years ago in a store, now in the latest days I got an action replay version 1.13 but it doesn't work? Why?