More Pikmin likely

More Pikmin likely

In a recent interview, Shigsy revealed that there may be further titles in the Pikmin series.

"I certainly don't think we've seen the last of Pikmin. I definitely would like to do something with them, and I think the Wii interface in particular is very well suited to that franchise".

Good news for Pikmin fans. I must admit I've yet to play the second game, but the original was great. I expect it could work well on the DS too.

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Rob Jones

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Master Foot said:

Hmmm. Eenie, meenie, miney, moe, which is Goomba, I don't know!


Elementrat said:

Could be interesting what with Wiimote Pikmin throwing and all.


Scooby Jew said:

Pikmin had its ups and downs in gameplay. Pros: The storyline was mediocre and the camera view could be adjusted. Cons: The Pikmin were stupid and were always getting eaten when you needed them most, the camera view was sometimes hard to maneuver, bosses regenerated health, and in Pikmin 2 you could only get like 20 white/purple Pikmin on one screen at a time; what's up with that? As you can see, there were more cons than pros to this series, my point being: I wouldn't mind seeing another Pikmin game as long as they fixed some of the cons to the previous game and added some useful features.


BrothaZ said:

True that, Scoob. How about green and black pikmins? Or say, more references toward other games?


divinity boy said:

Scooby jew, you are so negative. It's not about the cons, it's about the actual fun that you had playing the game.


Blaze said:

YAY! New pikmin what colours will they be?


i need a wiieww said:

Pikmin 2 I reckon was great, just what different coloured pikmin will they have in number 3?


tnlax said:

@ scooby- why would a mediocre story be a pro? And who asked for that review? Ha.


Wiipaw said:

Every Pikmin I encounter always laughs at me. "Ha, ha, hehheh, heh, heh!".


Wii Master said:

I hope they do add more pikmin games, because the first two were great. Also I hope they add more harvest moon games.


pikminmaster said:

I'd like to see new pikmin games.


D Link said:

I would like to see Orange, Green and Black.


TOP said:

I think they should make pikmin 3. I would like a 3 player mode and different colors of pikmin like orange, green and black. That would be cool.


water said:

I agree with top! There should be player 3 co-op and many new colors like green, orange black. They should make the the game extremely long for more fun. Lastly they should make Pikmin 1, 2 and 3 for the ds. That would be the best thing ever.


guy said:

Nintendo could also have striped pikmin.



Pikmin 2 is the 2nd best game I've ever played yet.


toast said:

Bring on the new game. I'm psyched.


Wii Rox said:

I hope they don't make too many new pikmin, otherwise they could start getting uncreative.

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