Mutant zombie skate hero

Mutant zombie skate hero

The box arts, they just keep on a comin'. Bandicoot fans will be pleased to see Crash: Mind over Mutant.

Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers

Skate It

Guitar Hero: World Tour

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Rob Jones

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Diddy Kong Lover said:

Skate and Guitar Hero, because Crash sucks and I've never heard of the other one.


asparaWIIgus said:

Wii's world, I don't think there are any "Bandicoot fans" any more. His last games have all sucked.


Zippy said:

Wifi logo on guitar hero says pay and play, must be DLC.


ToTaLgAmEr said:

I just preordered guitar hero.


Moppy said:

The crash artwork is horrible. Bikini Zombie Slayers.. hmm. I hope Skate It is Tony Hawk's quality. I will get World Tour.


Wii Freak said:

The crash box art sucks.


Vive la Oui said:

Bikini Zombie Slayers. That game just HAS to rock! And what's up with the Pay 'n Play logo on Guitar Hero? Are we going to have to start paying to going online already?


Son Ninja said:

Guitar Hero all the way! I'm not very interested in the other three titles because I know all of them might turn out bad but Guitar Hero would always be great even on the Wii.


Fear said:

It has bikini and Zombies, how could it be bad? The only way this game could be better would be if the Zombies were wearing the bikinis =D.


Captain Jamesman said:

Crash rules, Guitar Hero sucks, nuff said. I might try out that Bikini Zombie Slayers game if it has good gameplay.


Nintendoof said:

Crash is too plain. No comment on the second one. Skate It looks decent. Guitar Hero has Pay&Play? Is it the first to have it?


Master Foot said:

Box 1: Bandicoots went extinct a long time ago. Box 2: What's better than scantily clad Japanese anime school girls? Scantily clad Japanese anime school girls with swords.


Linkman806 said:

For those who are wondering pay and play means download able content.

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