Hemp fiber Wii remote

Hemp fiber Wii remote

DHRECK sent word of this interesting modification. If the white plastic of your Wiimote gets you down, maybe something coarser and more absorbent would be an improvement. I doubt it, but maybe. Presenting the Hemp Wii Remote and Nunchuk.

I think it's giving birth..

Hemp. Is it really the future?

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Rob Jones

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Moppy said:

Ummm. No thanks. I'm fine with white plastic. But if it was black plastic, things would be different.


Jared said:

Is this just something you slip over the Wiimote?


Aminihcam said:

I bought a black case for my Wii remote, it looks sweet as heck. I'm buying LED's for the player indicator and A button to make those change colors and stuff also.

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Nova said:

Hemp, as in marijuana hemp? I could see how this could be a problem in the future. Oh well it looks kind of cool. It just seems like the buttons would be hard to press.


Diddy Kong Lover said:

Perfect spirit for my town of pot-smoking hippies. Honestly I'd rather see a wooden Wiimote or a metal Wiimote.


WiiNinja said:

Mushroom Men, anyone?


monkeylemur said:

I almost thought this was a joke.


MediumBlueMetallic said:

That is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen, and has to be about as fake as the Opera 2.0 update.


wii oui said:

No thanks I don't want a woodmote.

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Shadow said:

I don't know why but I want to eat that wiimote. Reminds me of frosted Wheaties.


someone said:

Yep, it's definitely the whole new era of gaming ;-P.


wiiboy101 said:

I smoke hemp cough cough whilst playing Wii all night, cod 5 online and a toke break every hour, it's what makes life worth living.

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