Here it is. The one you've all not been waiting for. The granddaddy of all box arts. I give you, High School Musical.
HSM - Sing It box art.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
Experience the finest Aviator Game and take advantage of the helpful guides to win. visit ...
gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
soulbreather said:
What bloody puffs.
stinky12694 said:
Indeed, soulbreather.
Name123 said:
And I thought all the essence of hsm was gone GONE GONE! Ahhh.
Alex2310 said:
HOLY MOSES! I can't wait.
timelord102 said:
Stupid movie + best console ever = crap game.
cmk said:
Holy crap, it sucks even for HSM. Crap. Those kids are idiots.
Master Foot said:
Granddaddy of all box arts? I would rather look at the orginal Megaman 1 box art.
BonbonJoe said:
Don't mess with the Goombas fro.
BrothaZ said:
I pray to god that this game isn't only for Nintendo systems. That'll give Nintendo an even worse rep for the douchebags that don't understand a good gaming company when they see one.
Scooby Jew said:
Oh come on. How could you get more lame an annoying than that? Oh, right. You can't. What's even worse than that is I saw my sisters watching that damn movie last night. That box art might be staring me in the face if they make a commercial for it. I can only pray that this game never reaches the vicinity of my house. It's going to be a damn shame if it does, because then I'm going to have to break it and probably end up paying for it; therefore giving those bastards twice the money they don't deserve and I'll still have that lingering curse in my living room. *sigh* The period of time leading up to the release date for this game is going to be intense.
wii rox said:
Kids eat this junk up.
Keelan said:
Hahaha, awesome!
Fire Emblem Fan 14 said:
This sucks. But I would like to see one of these people go on american idol and I would like to see Simon say, "that was pathetic".
Ekaj185 said:
That picture of Goomba with that n00b actually looks pretty realistic.
Hey said:
Yes! It's so... glittery.
Elementrat said:
This was a lame Disney movie. Why are they making it into a game? Unfortunately, because people will buy it *cries*.
lickwid said:
The funniest part about this is the goomba.
eric &hearts wii said:
Sucks (cough). It will probably make some money from high school musical fans. It might be an important game for the Wii because this is the first karaoke game and appeals to younger kids so it widens the Wii audience. So yea. Not a phenomenal game, but possibly an important game.
Fishmon said:
My sister is probably going to buy this.
it me jye said:
Look at the pic, how funny and good does it look.
Clayton said:
HSM is supposedly going to take the place of the singing levels from Little mermaid on KH3, so Sora will be singing again, only looking like a loser on a basketball court.
Ray said:
What is wrong with yall! If you don't want the dang game, don't buy it.
ALEXIS said:
That so cool, I love Zac. People say I look like Vannesa Anne Hughens from high school musical. Love you Zac and I had a dream about him, he's a hottie. I love that movie, if you say it's lame, look who is talking. If guys think it's lame, well Zac is way hotter than you. If you think they're lame then you are way more lame than them.
Crimson Hawk said:
Well ALEXIS, I think you're outnumbered about who thinks this is lame or not. If you looked up the name Alexis and your precious Zac in the dictionary, you would find the word LAME.
Mike said:
With or without box art, this game still sucks.
Sonic Fan said:
Good one Crimson Hawk, HSM will probably sell a few copies. To Satan. I think this is a game for the eternally damned.
Jinxxeh said:
Jesus. Such hatred. Anyway, I for one am looking forward to this game. I've got quite a few SingStar games for PS2 and I'm going to enjoy singing the songs on these more than my SingStars, quite probably. However, I am not so pathetic that I dream about Zac Efron and defend his honour when people on an internet site say he's lame or whatever. Alexis, you're not Vannessa Hudgens. You are not going to be the 'nessa' part of 'Zanessa'. God, I hate that one. Anyway! Yeah. Release is October 19th in the UK I believe, so good-ohhh.
christina x said:
Elo, I love high school musical 2 and 1 because I love all the songs in them. I think that high school musical 3 should be a whole lot better because I want a high school musical 4 asw ell. The high school musical sing it, well what can I say about that. I have finished it and now I am waiting for the next one to come out, but every day I am at home singing on it because I love to sing and I love to dance. Please bring out another one. Me and me family have all had a go on it because we all love high school musical and my two couisns want to always do it, but we have passed it. So please can you bring out another one, and have a high school musical 4, love you all x x x.
jess+charnell, said:
Well tbh, we love hsm more than any of you lot and more than any one could imagine. We love zac efron and wish we could have him all to our selves and I think he only likes vanessa for publicity, so love you zac, x from charn and jess in thatcham, brrapppp.