EBGames have a listing on their site about an upcoming Wii game: "High School Musical with Microphone". According to the page it's in development by Disney Interactive and penned for an August release.
That's all she wrote. I know nothing about HSM, but the picture is turning me right off.
spleefian said:
acting like this is even active at all but i just really dislike it sideways because to me it just looks incomplete ...
spleefian said:
seeing literally just "1 decade ago" is scary to me like id be used to it saying you know 12 or 13 years ago but just ...
spleefian said:
i wish i couldve been here during this sites heyday ...
grummyofficial said:
Experience the finest Aviator Game and take advantage of the helpful guides to win. visit aviatorgaming.info ...
gw117 said:
The download link doesn't work... ...
Wii's World is not officially affiliated with Nintendo! (but they wish we were).
User comments
Yoshi-1up said:
Oh my god, worst thing Wii-Wise.
Master Foot said:
Is this a Disney show? Uhh, not interested.
Rosario said:
The thing is HSM is the biggest thing that has ever hit Disney, makes sense they want to make money off it. The whole show is about two people who no one thinks can sing coming together to overcome peer pressure and sing. By the way, don't hate a game just because it's Disney. Even though this one might suck.
Legacy said:
It's obviously going to just be a kiddy karaoke game, a sing-a-long to the movie type thing. It'll probably sell well though, and that's all that matters really.
Zendalf said:
Well actually, my little sister watched this every day for two weeks when we got it, maybe it will appeal to our younger sibling. Just maybe.
cmk said:
I hope the mic is by ninty. Get a good mic, make a wiimote phone guys. Awesomeness.
kirby-> said:
To Master foot: It's only a movie (at least on the Nordic version of it).
joey24 said:
Ahhh not some rubbish game.
Alex2310 said:
I can't wait!
Splintercell4ever said:
Yes, I love high school musical. I watch twice a day. I especially love all the songs.
Crimson Hawk said:
The movie was okay. But it won't be good for the Wii. I mean what would the gameplay be like?
Scooby Jew said:
Wii Freak said:
That's just great, HSM was 2 years ago and just when you think it's over they make a video game!
God damn it, it's going the same way gamecube did. Remember Nintendo it's OK for little kids to play video games but remember who your target really is. I mean it's alright that they're trying to reach everyone, but it's getting hard to find good games lately.
asparaWIIgus said:
HSM the movie and songs were the awesomest ever! But a game, I'm not so sure. Who knows, the mic thing might be cool.
Owlboy said:
RUN! RUN! IT'S COMING! AGHH! NOOO! *is eaten alive by lackluster gameplay and obvious flaunting of a crap movie into a marketing scheme*.
cman said:
This will SUCK.
Chaos said:
Two words: "BIG MISTAKE!".
DarkVic said:
It's a movie. A dumb one at that.
lucy said:
It's a disney movie and I want it. And there is a high school musical 2 & 3.
Hey said:
Disney has been trying to keep this alive for about a year now. In my opinion, they're milking the stupid TV Movie for more than it's worth.
Gary The Snail said:
We're all in this together guys.
me said:
If my sister finds out it's the end of my Wii!
Crimson Hawk said:
Lucy they're making a HSM 2 not 3. I have the movie, the first one not the second. I also have the soundtrack, but I gave both of them to my sister.
SeAmNiNjA said:
Cool I'm going to go kill myself now. Just kidding, but the people who made this game should.
Hey said:
Why the heck would you turn a movie like that into a game? It just doesn't work.
wiiman said:
Like I've tried to say for a million years Disney should get there asses out of the video game industry and leave making games to Nintendo and ea games. All Disney games have really sucked. I have a challenge to anybody who can name a good Disney game.
wiiman said:
I might just buy this game to burn it.
Ekaj185 said:
This is so crap! When will disney make a worthwhile game?!
Wii Freak said:
Probably never.
Epsilon said:
No. Just no. Never. Seen the movie. Hated it. Biggest piece of garbage I've seen in years. A game of it? Just no. No. Stop. Just stop. Stop this insanity. Please?
Gonzo said:
I hate High School Musical. Period.
cmk said:
Kingdom hearts, kingdom hearts 2, toy story 2 on the ps1, I think the mickey's magic mirror series was also good. I'm sure there are others. But I challenge you to name 3 that were truly awful. Now where's my prize?
ND said:
Bloody hell, it's sad enough that they're making a sequel, but a video game? What are they on, the gameplay will be s***. Ohh yea I bet my sister will get me to buy this! Don't buy it.
Harry Harris said:
Who would think of making a game like this for Wii? The film is so bad, it might drag Wii down with it.
LJ said:
I know that disney is stupid for a making high school musical 2 just like that cheeta girls 2. But who knows, it could be a fun game and the mic thing might make it better.
DKMN said:
I love hsm.
HAM LUVR #1 FAN 2 said:
Okay. I personally love High School Musical and don't think it is at all one bit stupid. I'm SUPER GLAD THEY ARE MAKING A HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 2! I can't WAIT. Practically every kid at my school loves it (I'm in 9th grade). Even the populars like it. I mean football players do! I really DO HOPE they make a video game of it. Just because you people don't like it doesn't mean millions of others won't. If you don't want it, don't BUY IT. It's that easy! Think of the millions that do like it though. I don't know why you all are hating on Disney. I know some of you talking stuff likes something made by it! So. Yes I want the game. If I want HSM stuff my mom buys it because she's glad it doesn't cuss and the songs are cool. My family loves it. Wow for the people that don't like it. Just wow. I don't know how you don't.
jade said:
That's a good idea - can't wait.
Replay said:
What has this world come to?
poo said:
Would anybody actually buy this?! I mean, if it is a really really really good game then it could erase the bad stench of the movie with it's godlike gameplay. Unless it does that, few people will buy it.
im jyesta said:
I hope that it is like a sing star because we're breaking free, yeah we're breaking free.
0071 said:
They're also planning on making a "haunted high school musical" aaarrgh.
Ray said:
I, personally in my own opinion, think this game will be great for people fans of the movie (like me), but will suck for the people who hated the movie (like the majority the people who posted).
leia-jade said:
High school musical is so great, anyone who don't like it must be crazy! It is so awesome, can't wait for 2 and 3. Love ya.
star101 said:
They're making a game? NOOO.
Solid Snake said:
Disney has made crap since they came into the video game industry (except Kingdom Hearts). If this continues much longer, Disney might go out of business.
Ian C said:
My sister wants it for Wii - I say no.
hollayo said:
Umm, zac efron is FINE so I want it.